
How To Stop Binge Eating at Night

How to stop binge eating at night is a popular topic for my clients and I. They know it’s happening, they know they “shouldn’t” be doing it, but binge eating seems to have power over them. I even have clients tell me, “Shelby, I’m an intelligent person. I don’t understand why I can’t stop this!” It is extremely frustrating, shameful, confusing, and sometimes physically painful. 

Why Do I Binge Eat at Night?

Let’s get clarity on if you are overeating or if you are truly binge eating at night as these are two different behaviors. Simply put,

Binge Eating Is an Industrial-Strength Overeating Episode

The biggest difference between overeating and binge eating is the power and energy behind the binge. Binge eating is often associated with the term “compulsive eating” because it feels more powerful than us and often overpowers us. It is a NEGATIVE energy.

A true binge derives from a physiological stress response caused by factors in either the a) nutritional domain or b) personal domain. No one sits on the couch, happily watching movies, and says, “I think I’ll binge!”. Sure one can get lost on the couch, watching movies, and mindlessly overeat. But a binge is a whole other story.

When your body is in a physiologic stress response, it instinctually enters a fight, flight, or freeze response, but it can also enter what’s called a feed response.

When your physiology senses that your life is being threatened by not enough food, food restriction, macronutrient imbalance, lack of pleasure or experience of eating — the brain DRIVES you to eat. Binge eating is literally a survival urge, not a lack of willpower.

When your physiology senses stress derived from your personal world (work, money, relationships, etc), the brain again can DRIVE you to eat (feed response) because it learns over time if you eat enough food, at some point after the binge the body MUST relax in order to digest the food we just consumed. Eating enough food will then eventually drive your body into the physiological relaxation response. 

As painful as out-of-body binge eating experience can be, it always has a brilliant reason for its existence and why a true binge is seen as compulsive due to your body’s stress response serving as a balancing act for a place in life where we are in “tight control”…

What could be driving your binge eating at night, or any time for that matter?

Food Control

When trying to lose weight or while living our fears of food and weight gain, we have a high level of control over our food amount,

 type, and pleasure. This can lead to nutrient deficiency, calorie deficiency, blood sugar deregulation, brain chemistry imbalance, and ravenous hunger, which activates the stress response and can lead to binge eating to ensure you eat and survive. Binge eating here is simply a necessary nutritional correction. 

Meal Frequency & Not Eating Enough

Artificially skipping meals because of fear of food, fear of hunger, fear of weight gain, or lack of interest in eating can oftentimes cause overeating or binge eating later in the day. Skipping meals can activate the stress response because the brain and body will not be denied. The body has a bio-circadian nutrition rhythm, just like it has sleep and heartbeat circadian rhythms. When your meal frequency is arhythmic, your body can become stressed and provoke binge eating to secure your survival. In our minds, however, we think there’s something wrong with us because we can’t control our appetite. But the reality is simple: we skipped meals or did not eat enough in the first half of your day, and your body is demanding more food and more nutrition (at night). 

Zero Pleasure

Food is literally designed to give us this psycho-physiological need called pleasure. Why? So you eat and don’t die. Period. Therefor, to survive, pleasure from food is required for our brain and body. If we miss the experience of taste, pleasure, satisfaction, etc. — the brain interprets this missed experience as HUNGER. In other words, if you rushed through a meal and failed to notice it for whatever your reason, the brain isn’t smart enough to say, “Hey, you were in a rush and not paying attention to your food.” The brain simply says, “Hungry.” 

We are literally physiologically driven to eat more, even if we’ve eaten a huge meal. The brain commands us to eat if it doesn’t get what it needs — the eating experience. 

Eating Speed

The simple act of eating fast is considered a stressor by the body. If we were hunter-gatherers and eating extremely fast, the brain interprets this once again as “something’s wrong!” and goes on full alert. Therefore when you eat fast, you naturally digest and absorb nutrients poorly, resulting in lack of pleasure AND nutrient assimilation in a meal. So once again, the brain will primitively call for more food, another simple and necessary nutritional correction.

Life Stress

We can binge eat because of a buildup of:

  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Disappointment
  • Worry
  • Fear
  • Judgment
  • Blame
  • Feeling abused
  • Loneliness
  • Confusion
  • Unexpressed sexuality
  • A past experience of sexual abuse
  • An undelivered communication
  • Unspoken truth
  • Any past hurt
  • A break-up
  • A loss
  • Grieving
  • Letting go of something or someone
  • Not living up to our own standards
  • Perfectionism
  • And more…

Remember, when stressed, the body can enter a fight, flight, freeze, OR feed response because binge eating is an “out of control” behavior, which is a balancing act for a place in life where we’re in “tight control.” If this place of tight control is in your work, relationships, finances, or other, and we aren’t finding alternative balancing acts to help you relax and step out of the stress response, binge eating can fulfill this role. 

How To Stop Binge Eating at Night:

Here are my top recommendations for how to stop binge eating at night:

  1. Focus on shifting your eating intentions to be more like a pendulum versus a yo-yo. Meaning, instead of operating at a high-level food control of “all-out” or “black or white,” “good vs. bad” with your eating, approach your eating to be more like a clock pendulum, where the arc of your pendulum is small and swaying softly from side to side. For example, instead of cutting sugar 100% with no exceptions or you fail and fall off the wagon 100% (yo-yo), try finding a softer arc in your eating by setting goals such as reducing your sugar by 85% vs. 100%, so your eating behaviors reduce in extremes and have a higher chance of growing into healthy, sustainable habits.
  2. Be intentional about setting time aside to eat to reduce nutrient-deficient driven binge eating episodes. 
  3. Enjoy what you eat. Aim to feel good after the meal then before you started, rather than stressing about being good. Remember, pleasure is innate and a necessary nutritional requirement! 
  4. Take some deep breaths before eating. Try to create a calm space where you focus on your meal, your senses, yourself, and enjoy the eating experience. Shut off the phone, work email, or other distractions when possible. 
  5. Take small moments for yourself every day to slow down. 5-10 minutes here and there throughout the day to say YES to you can have a profound positive impact on your stress levels and reduce the risk of binge eating. 
  6. Where else do you need to loosen your grip or stop trying to juggle 50,000 balls in the air? Where can I delegate? Who can I ask for help? What do I need to improve with my time management? Where do I need to set boundaries or say no to? What is something joyful outside of eating that I could do for myself this week to help my body and mind relax? 

In Closing:

Binge eating at night (or any time for that matter) is NOT a will power issue — rather, it’s an amazing strategy of the body. Binge eating gets our attention in a BIG way. It is asking you to dig deeper, ask good questions, explore nutritional and emotional dimensions, get real with ourselves, and perhaps face your fears. Sometimes it can be complex, other times simple in solution and can be worked with, listened to, and transformed without the use of pharmaceuticals.

What is it that your binge eating might be trying to tell you? The reveal of a negative power such as binge eating means there is POSITIVE power calling to be unleashed. If you need help understanding your binge eating and transforming its power back into your life, we are here for you! When it comes to ourselves, it is always the hardest work because we are in deep with the struggle. Please book a Breakthrough Clarity Call if you are ready to free yourself from binge eating for good.

*Institute for the Psychology of Eating. Modules 01 & 03, 2021

What Is Dynamic Eating Psychology?

I am going to assume that despite all of your years of dieting, you still struggle with food and weight, yes? (otherwise you wouldn’t have found yourself here reading this article on Dynamic Eating Psychology!). 

Wouldn’t you agree then that learning MORE about nutrition such as macros, carbs, proteins, superfoods, or cutting your favorite foods or food groups obviously isn’t stopping you from going all in on those cookies and ultimately sabotaging your mind and your efforts? You’ve been there done that a thousand times!

Dynamic eating psychology is a new field that is positive, empowering, transformational, and designed for ANYONE who eats.


Weight Loss Secrets: The Power Of Your Thoughts

Weight loss secrets people think will work for them, really aren’t the big secret, the key to unlocking it all. Like, how to have a lighter version of your favorite cake when you have cravings. That’s not the big secret. It’s a tip, but not the big secret that will give you the healthy lifestyle you crave. Or incorporating grapefruit for extra fat burning. That’s not the big secret. So let’s get REAL. You really want to know? The secret to success with your weight, food, in life, are your THOUGHTS. Your thoughts are SO incredibly POWERFUL.

If you are looking for long-term weight loss, no matter how much weight you have to lose, it’s all about your BRAIN. Understanding why you think the way you do, has a direct relationship to why you eat the way you do. Learning how to train your brain to become a total badass partner in your weight loss journey IS THE SECRET!

When I first began working with clients light years ago, we use to be just about food discussions. I learned early that this alone is not enough TO TRANSFORM people. A little menu and a grocery list will only help you to a certain degree! With proper training, experience, and dedication to mastering this SECRET, these days we do SO MUCH discussing on subject matters that have nothing to do with calories, carbs, macros, etc (Yes, of course we still talk about these things!) but you cannot move forward with all the nutrition information and keep healthy eating a lifestyle when you still doubt you may not be able to keep, or you still beat yourself up over the littlest things, or when you get pissed when you eat a freaking cupcake.

Trust me, EVERYONE needs a little work and EVERYONE we work with gets served. We’ve grown to be able to go deep with our clients, to help them move forward, to help them become so empowered and in charge of their eating, all by dedicating time to focus on their thoughts, beliefs, and paradigms. Why do you think Tony Robbins has so many successful clients? It’s because his teachings involve working on one’s mindset!

Let’s do a little coaching for those who want to learn how to implement healthier eating habits. The THOUGHT of changing your eating habits can be intimidating. There are many unknowns. Many people THINK fearful thoughts: What will my life be like at a lower weight? What will my spouse think of me? How will I handle giving up my favorite foods? How hard will this be? Can I do this?

Do you think today’s current and past Olympians got up every morning and thought “Hmm, well I hope I get the gold medal some day”. Of course they didn’t! So take a few deep breaths and let’s start to think some POSITIVE thoughts! Think about the vibrant life you want to have, the relationship with your food you want to have. Can you feel it? Can you see it?


I want you to embrace your weight loss journey with a powerful, POSITIVE mindset.


Because now you know, the WEIGHT LOSS SECRET is it all starts with your thoughts! Here is an easy, yet effective method we use to help many of our clients, it’s called the TFAR method.


(Occurring in order) Your THOUGHTS directly affect how you FEEL. Your FEELINGS affect what ACTIONS (or lack of) you take, which directly affect you RESULTS. How successful do you think you’ll be if you keep having thoughts that question if you can really lose the weight? How long do you think you’ll stick with improving your eating habits if your reality of losing weight involves complete perfectionism?


When trying to lose weight, you will learn if you have a “bad day” of eating, you can literally trace it back to your thoughts and your frame of mind that contains a fear-based and/or negative thought. So if you want to have a kick-ass day every day, you’ve got to master the TFAR method. Use the TFAR method as often as you need to, whenever you need to. You can even use it for things that have nothing to do with your eating.

EXAMPLE: You’re having a crazy day. The kids are crying, you’re running late and didn’t pack your snacks to go like you planned. Your “Debbie-Downer” autopilot thoughts are saying “Here I go again, two steps forward one step back.”

These negative thoughts will affect how you feel, your actions, your results. MANAGE these thoughts now using TFAR, create more positive thoughts such as, “OK, just relax and breathe. My entire success does not revolve around one meal. I will buy the healthiest snack available at the [venue] and move on.” Or, “Lesson learned. I think I need to pack my snacks the night before to ensure I can just grab them and get out the door. I got this.”

weight loss secrets

BOOM! You’re not going to stay in a victim mentality and begin to eat emotionally, you’re going to stay in charge, take some prep action when you get home, and keep moving forward! How do you think behaviors (the actions/results) evolve? Actions and results are at the end of the cycle. In many situations, to change these behaviors, you MUST learn to better manage your thoughts.

We all are who we are; we all come from different backgrounds and experiences. Believe it or not, I use to be a glass-half-empty sort of gal in my younger days. Yes, me! I now live by the TFAR method and use it to help me avoid bad emotional spots. This is often the case when things get distracting around me, especially with managing my company as there are always a thousand moving pieces. I have learned in both a personal and professional setting that I cannot control what crazy or negative thoughts initiate in my head.  Who can? By initiate, I mean those immediate, auto-pilot thoughts, those urges of emotion.

For example, I’ll get anxious about a goal I haven’t quite achieved yet. My competitive brain wants to immediately start to worry, and I initially want to invest more energy into this thought. But using the TFAR method, I can MANAGE my thoughts, and truly separate myself emotionally from them, no matter how deep they go, and you can too! You do this by responding promptly, as soon as you catch these negative, routine, fear-based thoughts you must IMMEDIATELY work hard to swap it for a positive one. 

Think of your vision, think of how successful you’ll be, think about all the steps you’ve already taken forward up to this point. Easier said than done, it takes time, and practice. You may not even believe your own positive thoughts at first, but you will soon enough. You are ultimately in charge of how you want to feel, which is extremely powerful.

Those that have successfully achieved their weight loss goals will tell you it seems like the whole weight loss journey is ALL mental. So prepare yourself now because TFAR is a key component to your success.

On a side note, also realize you don’t have all the answers right now when it comes to your weight loss. How could you? There is much to learn, but we can be so hard on ourselves (thoughts) and sabotage our own success.

So be patient and compassionate toward yourself. Most importantly, dedicate yourself to learning the TFAR method. If you find yourself continuously struggling with negativity, find support books and audio books to help. Get excited about your newly found one of the few true weight loss secrets, now time to master it!

“Those who think they can, and those who think they can’t, are both usually right”- Confucius

I promise you, once your mindset gets the training it needs, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. Do you hear me? ANYTHING!! I can help you get out of your own head. I can help you break your cyclical dieting. I just need you to be ready to receive. Please apply for a breakthrough clarity call with me. Walk away with clarity, walk away with a sense of relief that you are understood and your struggles ARE resolvable!

You’re one click away from taking a step that will transform your life.