
4 Steps To Letting Go Of Fear Of Weight Gain

In a society that often measures worth by waistlines, it’s no wonder countless individuals feel a paralyzing grip of fear of weight gain.

This fear, intriguingly, does not discriminate. It seizes individuals across the spectrum of body shapes and sizes, ensnaring even those who possess the so-called “ideal” physique that many yearn for, yet they too live in terror of weight gain.

The true tragedy here is how this fear can incapacitate us, tarnishing not just moments or days, but the entirety of our lives. It’s a barrier that sidelines us, preventing us from unlocking and embracing the full magnitude of our potential. 

But it’s time for a paradigm shift. It’s time to confront this fear head-on, with courage and new understanding. Let me guide you through steps to help you reclaim your life from the clutches of this fear of weight gain.

Step 1: Recognize Fear of Weight Gain is a Learned Behavior

In our journey through life, navigating the pressures of society and the bombardment of media, one pervasive challenge many of us face is the fear of weight gain. This fear, deeply embedded in our psyche, doesn’t arise from our core selves but is instead a learned response, shaped and reinforced by the world around us.

The truth is stark but liberating: the fear of gaining weight is not inherent—it’s taught, which means the fear of weight gain is a conditioned response.

From childhood, societal messages have imprinted a harsh narrative in our minds: to be overweight is to fail, to be less than, to miss out on the best life has to offer. This narrative pervades every form of media we consume—from films and TV shows to magazines and, most influentially, social media.

It’s a message echoed by those around us, sometimes with good intentions, but with lasting impacts. I have heard countless clients recount stories growing up of a mother rewarding a child with extrinsic rewards for losing weight, or the trauma of being bullied because of their weight had on them in their life, even 40 years later!  

Consider this too: the applause we receive for losing weight, yet the silence and lack of compliments when we gain it. Combined with comments from parents, significant others regarding another person’s weight or recent weight gain, and the relentless showcasing of impossibly slender models—all these factors (and many more) compound to reinforce the fear of weight gain. 

From a tender age, even before we’ve developed the tools to critically analyze these messages, they’ve begun to shape our perception of ourselves and our bodies.

Recognizing that this fear is not a part of our intrinsic self but rather an external imposition, we find our first key to liberation. This realization empowers us to challenge and eventually discard the weight of these imposed fears!

A Beginner Step To Freedom:

Embarking on a ‘media diet’ can be a transformative first step. Just as we are mindful of the nourishment we provide our bodies, we must also guard our minds against toxic messages that perpetuate the fear of weight gain. You MUST stand guard at the gate of your mind. You must do your best to be in charge of what messages you feed your brain daily. Curate your media consumption to support your well-being, choose body-positive content, and engage with messages that only uplift rather than diminish our sense of self-worth. Take additional steps and surround yourself with a positive support system, start talking to yourself as you would your best friend, and have fun moving your body in a way that you enjoy (regardless of what experts say you “should” be doing). 

fear of weight gain

Step 2: Diffuse Your Fear With Calm And Wisdom

Understanding the roots of our fear of weight gain illuminates the path to overcoming it. This journey reveals that our response to this fear often places us in a perpetual state of “red alert,” akin to the body’s natural fight-or-flight mechanism intended for real, immediate dangers. However, the fear of gaining weight, while intense, does not represent a direct threat to our survival, despite often feeling just as urgent. 

We call these kinds of events triggers.

Our physiological stress response kicks in not just for tangible threats but also for the ones we perceive or imagine. This includes the dread of weight gain, which can evoke reactions as if we were facing a life-threatening situation. Yet, this fear, powerful as it may be, typically stems from societal pressures and internalized perceptions rather than actual danger. 

It’s essential to recognize that living in constant fear of weight gain places unnecessary stress on both mind and body, leading to a cycle of anxiety and self-sabotage that can hinder rather than help our well-being.

When we find ourselves incessantly worrying about our weight, scrutinizing our reflection for any perceived changes, or letting the scale dictate our mood and self-worth, it’s a sign that the fear has taken a disproportionate hold on our lives. This constant state of alarm not only drains our energy but can also prevent us from experiencing the fullness of life, trapping us in a cycle of fear and restriction as we are not meant to be able to fully thrive in both a state of stress and a state of mindfulness simultaneously.

Introducing the IAAA Strategy.

To break free from this cycle, I propose an emotional processing technique encouraged by psychologist Jonice Webb that will help to lower your “stress temperature” surrounding the fear of weight gain. 

  1. Identify: Recognize this emotion coming up for you and put a word to it to help you identify what exactly you’re feeling. “Name it to tame it” is a common practice in healthy emotional management. Simply naming it will remove some of that power that fear has over you. 
  2. Accept: Your fear and emotion that you’re feeling is there for a reason. There’s no need to feel ashamed of what you feel. You feel what you feel. You’re human, and you have emotions. ACCEPT it versus getting mad you’re feeling something in the first place.
  3. Attribute: You just learned your fear of weight gain is conditioned from your environment, so compassionately validate yourself in this moment of why you’re feeling this way. “Of course I feel what I’m feeling, I’ve been told my whole life I have to lose weight” or “of course I’m feeling fearful, my ex humiliated me about my weight our entire relationship”
  4. Act: Ask yourself, “Is this truly a life-threatening situation? Does my life depend on this that I have to act on this NOW? Or am I just being triggered? Such questions can help reframe the fear, reducing its intensity and allowing you to approach it with calmness and clarity.

Here is some life changing advice: 

Every feeling needs to be listened to, but not every feeling should be acted upon. 

When you’re just being triggered, engage in deep, slow breathing to help soothe your nervous system. Even a brief moment of focused breathing can significantly diminish the acute stress response and bring a sense of peace and control.

This is also a time to cultivate a new dialogue with yourself… 

Your goal to manage your weight is a preference, not a prerequisite for a meaningful existence.

Feel free to want to be at a certain weight … just don’t put all the weight of the world on a bunch of body fat. 

Your value and capacity to lead a rich life are not contingent on a number on the scale.

This exercise will help you acknowledge your fears without letting them define or control you. By consciously choosing how you respond to the fear of weight gain, you grant yourself the freedom to live beyond the constraints of societal expectations and self-imposed limitations.

fear of weight gain

Step 3: Understand How Your FEAR Can Scientifically Encourage Weight Gain

In the fascinating world of obesity medicine and weight management, there’s a startling truth that often goes unspoken: a staggering 98% of individuals who shed pounds on a traditional weight loss diet find themselves regaining the weight within a year. This revelation isn’t just surprising; it’s a wake-up call about the cyclical nature of weight gain and the deep-seated fears that fuel it.

The irony of weight gain fear is that it, in itself, can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The very stress and anxiety we experience in anticipation of gaining weight can trigger physiological responses in our bodies that make weight gain more likely. This is because stress, a formidable force in our lives, activates the body’s fight-or-flight response, setting off a cascade of chemical and metabolic reactions designed for survival, not for maintaining our ideal weight.

Stress, whether stemming from fears about our finances, relationships, job security, or our appearance, ignites the body’s stress response. This isn’t just about feeling “stressed out.” It’s about how chronic stress signals our bodies to store fat, reduce muscle mass, and throw our digestive and metabolic functions out of balance. The hormones at the center of this storm, insulin and cortisol, are well-known for their role in weight regulation. When these hormones are consistently elevated due to stress, they instruct our bodies to hold onto fat.

So if your inner world is dominated by the fear of weight gain, you’re literally generating the most fertile ground for fat deposition. 

You’re creating a self fulfilling metabolic prophecy. 

You’re calling fat onto your body by fearing it. 

What’s oddly problematic is that when we have a constant fear of weight, we’ll be under stress. And what is one of the favorite ways that we manage stress is to turn to our favorite stress reliever?

FOOD! 🍪🍪

If living in a state of constant fear about weight gain lays the groundwork for the very outcome we dread, what can you do to break free? The answer lies in stress management and healthy emotional regulation. 

  1. Get familiar with the IAAA Strategy in Step #2. I cannot emphasize how life changing it can be if you struggle with healthy emotional regulation surrounding fear of weight gain, or anxiety, depression, or other feelings that tend to dominate your inner world more than you’d like. 
  2. Conduct a Stress Inventory: Dive deep into the sources of stress in your life. Identify not just the external pressures, but also the internal dialogues that heighten your sense of anxiety. What is within your control to change? Where do you need to let go? Realize that while some stressors are beyond your control, many are within your power to change or influence. Determine which aspects of your life you can adjust or release to reduce stress, and make conscious choices to do so.
  3. Cultivate Gratitude for Your Body: Transforming our inner dialogue starts with gratitude. But you must embody that gratitude you feel, don’t just make it about words coming out of your mouth. Appreciation will relax the body, self attack only turns on the switch to increased cortisol and insulin. Acknowledge and appreciate your body for its resilience, strength, and the myriad ways it supports you every day. 

Step 4: Unveil Your True Fear Behind Weight Gain

fear of weight gain

Embarking on the final leg of our journey to conquer the fear of weight gain, it’s crucial to unearth a deeper, more profound fear lurking in the shadows. And most often that is the fear of not being loved. This fear, deeply woven into the fabric of our societal norms, dictates that our value, our very essence, is measured by our physical appearance. It’s a pervasive belief system that equates love and acceptance with fitting into a specific mold.

Once again, from the earliest moments of our existence, we’re fed the narrative that to be loved, to belong, we must conform to certain standards of beauty and physicality. At an early age, our brains are not developed enough to stand guard against this narrative, so instead, we eat it, internalize it, and create a toxic and false belief system about ourselves, our worth, and what’s truly important. 

At the core of every human being is the fundamental desire to be loved. It’s not just a want but a need that resonates with every cell in our bodies, an intrinsic part of our DNA. The quest for love is the quest for life itself. Yet, when we tether the concept of love to the scale, to the number of pounds we carry, we venture into treacherous waters, allowing a misguided belief to dictate our happiness and sense of belonging.

The belief that love is contingent upon maintaining a certain weight is a mirage, a distortion of reality that hinders our ability to see and experience love in its truest form. It’s a belief that has led many down a path of loneliness, waiting for a day when the scale grants them permission to seek and receive love.

Would you ever NOT love your children because of their weight? 

Then why are you putting such conditions on yourself? Or further, why would you want someone in your life that only loves you because of such conditions based on weight? 

Let’s think bigger. Begin by identifying what truly matters to you, what you desire most deeply from life beyond the confines of physical appearance. Is it love, intimacy, companionship, fulfillment? Recognize that these desires, these needs, are not dependent on your weight.

By prioritizing these fundamental desires, you naturally begin to diminish the power that the fear of weight gain holds over you. This shift not only liberates you from the chains of fear but also aligns your actions and choices with your true aspirations, creating a fertile ground for genuine self-acceptance and love.

Imagine a life where you wake up each day not to the voice of judgment and fear but to a voice of acceptance and love—a voice that recognizes your inherent worth, independent of your weight. This is the life you deserve, a life where the pursuit of love and fulfillment is not conditional on your appearance but on the richness of your spirit and the depth of your heart.

Take charge, and make it happen. You have the power!

As we close this chapter on overcoming the fear of weight gain, remember, the journey is not about reaching a destination of perfect self-love overnight. It’s about incremental steps toward recognizing and embracing your worth, about understanding that your capacity to love and be loved is not measured by the scale but by the boundless strength and compassion of your spirit. 

Let this be the moment you choose to live fully, to love boldly, and to embrace the beauty of your true self, unencumbered by fear. Embrace this journey as an opportunity for growth, a chance to redefine your relationship with your body and food. Remember, your value is not determined by a number on a scale but by the depth of your character and the strength of your spirit. Together, let’s step off the sidelines and into the vibrant life we’re meant to live, free from the shadows of fear of weight gain.

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Author Shelby McDaniel

Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m a food lovin’ nutritionist but…I’m not a regular nutritionist. I’m an intuitive eating specialist, eating psychology practitioner, and Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU!)

Let’s Get Real About Weight

In our ever-evolving world, conversations about weight loss often dominate the health and wellness landscape. Yet, despite the omnipresence of diet plans, fitness regimens, and weight loss solutions, a nagging sense of disillusionment persists. We diet for decades, we consume diet foods and the latest diet strategies like synthetic fats and artificial sweeteners that are– toxic:

  • Eat less, exercise more
  • More willpower
  • Fat burners & appetite suppressants
  • The latest and greatest diet
  • Surgery will solve everything
  • Food “addiction” meetings
  • You’re lazy or a loser if you can’t lose weight
  • Why can’t you just stop eating? 

In the realm of weight loss, science in many ways has FAILED US.

Indeed, it receives a big ‘ol fat “F”!!! Societal attitudes also get a poor grade. A distressingly large number of individuals cast harsh moral judgments on those carrying extra weight, fueling an unseen epidemic of social detachment, only increasing the pressure for one to lose the weight and stay stuck in the never ending diet cycle and obsession with weight loss and body image.

If you’re reading this, then it’s fair to assume that the current approach to tackling weight issues doesn’t sit well with you either. Instead of diving into a detailed list of dos and don’ts – an endeavor too vast for any single write-up – I want to introduce you to some fresh thoughts around weight to help you begin to change how you see yourself, and this thing we let dictate our life and identity called… “weight”.  

  • Weight embodies a profound, multi-layered complexity. Rarely is it a matter of clear-cut solutions. Recognizing and respecting the intricate nature of weight and its fluctuation is essential.
  • Carrying excess weight is indicative of underlying messages and life lessons. Each symptom we encounter is a call to learn and evolve. Instead of resisting, we should embrace and decode these signals. And when we can’t, not be ashamed to get some help deciphering. 
  • A multitude of nutritional and metabolic factors can influence weight gain. It’s crucial to consider the diverse array of influences at play, and understand exactly what these influencers are.
  • Emotional influences play a significant role in weight. It’s important to acknowledge and address the psychological aspects that contribute to weight fluctuations.
  • Genetics increasingly factor into weight considerations, making it a hereditary concern for many, and why the BMI is crap.
  • Weight is intertwined with profound life lessons and personal growth opportunities. Aspects such as patience, humility, mindfulness, acceptance of self and others, slowing down, and getting in touch with your true emotions are often lessons hidden in the journey of weight management.
  • Weight challenges can stem from a combination of various factors, not just a single factor, painting a complex picture unique to each individual. This is also why it’s not just a nutrition or psychology matter. How we do food is often how we do life too!
  • Weight issues are not solely the burden of the individual but reflect broader familial or societal dynamics too. This shared responsibility can manifest in numerous ways, such as the influence of parents or media.
  • The issue of weight transcends YOU, the individual; it’s a collective challenge. Millions are affected. The solution lies in addressing both cultural norms and individual habits. You are NOT alone. 
  • The surge in eating disorders signals a deeper societal and/or inner personal issue. These disorders are not merely about food but reflect broader life and societal challenges. Deep listening and understanding can unveil the growth and healing needed. Losing weight will NOT heal an eating disorder.  
  • Our societal relationship with body fat is often marked by misunderstanding. Let me remind you that body fat serves vital biological functions. Our body is meant to GAIN more weight than LOSE it in it’s efforts to ensure you stay alive and do not starve to death. Understanding your body fat’s role now and through our evolution is key to shifting perceptions and dropping the judgment.
  • Societal attitudes often project judgment and negativity onto individuals dealing with weight issues which often reinforces the inner judgment of one’s self who is trying to lose the weight and intertwines with their bigger personal beliefs and identity. Recognizing and addressing these collective prejudices is essential for fostering a culture of understanding and support.
  • The scientific understanding of ideal weight remains vague. Many claims about weight loss lack a solid scientific basis, leading to confusion and misinformation. No one truly knows what a person “should” weigh at every stage of life. So many people walk around claiming, “I need to lose 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds.” Says who? The BMI is outdated.
  • According to the sum total of all the research on weight, science cannot say with any certainty that extra weight is a symptom, a disease, a risk factor, a positive indicator of health, a genetic issue, a psychosocial one – because it can be ANY of these.
  • Much of the scientific community has yet to fully grasp that weight encompasses the intricate interplay of the mind, body, heart, soul, psychology, culture, and spirituality. Weight issues do not only reside in the realm of nutrition. So take a deep breath if you’ve been to nutritionists and dietitians. It’s good you know about nutrition, but perhaps that’s not what you’re lacking (usually isn’t!). 

The mental and emotional burdens associated with weight often outweigh the physical aspect. This is why many individuals are so pressed to lose weight as it’s often more about the emotional weight they wish to lose around the weight itself. The psychological distress linked to body image is profound. Can you imagine a society where everyone embraces and loves their body, celebrating their unique humanity? 

We’d be unstoppable! We’d pursue our life’s work and deepest missions with unrestrained vigor. We would be life focused and not food focused. A surge of creativity, confidence, and connection would flourish among us. Our emotional well-being would enhance, enriching every aspect of our lives, even our intimate connections. There would be nothing holding us back.

Embracing our bodies can’t be about conditional self-love – it’s not a “lose weight, then love yourself” game. True self-love HAS to begin right now, in this very moment. Would you ever condition your love for your child on their appearance? Of course not – it’s an unthinkable thought. 

Yet, this is the narrative many endorse internally when it should be about nurturing kindness within ourselves, coupled with insightful understanding about ourselves, and our bodies. 

Now listen to me…LOVING YOURSELF DOESN’T MEAN YOU DON’T WANT TO MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR BODY. It’s OK if you would like to do some shape shifting, BUT…you cannot hate yourself into that transformation. You cannot NOT love and nurture yourself NOW, as you are, and only wait to love and appreciate yourself when you reach a specific weight or size. This is where many miss the boat and only create further disconnect from their most authentic, most powerful self. 

Do you feel it’s time to shed your outdated, narrow-minded beliefs about weight? Drop the judgment? Drop the shame? Drop the finger pointing? I encourage you to embrace a journey steered by love and wisdom, seek a deeper comprehension of this significant challenge. What could your weight be trying to teach you? Help you let go? Go deeper on? And grow?


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Author Shelby McDaniel

Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m a food lovin’ nutritionist but…I’m not a regular nutritionist. I’m an intuitive eating specialist, eating psychology practitioner, and Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU!)

Your Guide to a New Year of Unstoppable Motivation and Growth

The New Year – a magnificent time of boundless potential and opportunity! It’s a moment brimming with promise, where we set our sights on our grandest goals and dare to dream bigger.

However, as the initial sparkle of the New Year fades, so often does our fervor. Success is not just about setting goals; it’s about igniting a fire within that burns all year long. Today I’m here to guide you through transforming your aspirations into enduring achievements. 

Let’s dive into how you can maintain an unstoppable motivation, overcome any obstacle, shift your mindset, and cultivate life-changing habits!

Unstoppable New Year Mindset Hacks

You could have the biggest goal, the biggest “Why” behind your goal and still struggle with finding your way to the finish line. If you can adopt the following three mindset shifts, nothing will stop you from reaching your goals!

1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is founded on the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective embraces challenges, perseveres through obstacles, sees effort as the path to mastery, and learns from criticism. It fosters a love for learning and resilience. 

In contrast, a fixed mindset assumes that intelligence and talents are static traits that cannot be significantly developed. Individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges, give up easily when confronted with obstacles, see effort as fruitless, and feel threatened by the success of others. As a result, they may plateau early and not achieve their full potential.

Take home message: Adopt a growth mindset, NOT a fixed mindset!

2. Love the Journey: It’s not just the destination but the journey that shapes you. I know so corny and you’ve heard it a thousand times, but it is TRUE! Relish each step, each struggle, and each triumph. This perspective turns the pursuit into an adventure.

3. Live in Gratitude and Mindfulness: Every day is a gift! Practicing gratitude and mindfulness roots you in the present and fuels your journey with positivity and peace. Just this tip alone can seriously change your life. Don’t believe me? Take up a gratitude prompt journal or guided meditation for 30-60 days and tell me it doesn’t improve your quality of your every day life. 

New Year New You

Overcome Challenges with Unshakeable Resilience

Challenges are inevitable. As much as a pain in the butt they can be sometimes, you MUST be met with challenges, otherwise how else will you grow and become a better version of yourself? 

Here are my three hacks to overcoming future challenges to reaching your biggest health goals: 

1. It’s all about the small steps: New Year New You dreams are great, but big achievements are made of small victories. Chop up those mammoth goals into bite-sized, achievable actions. I often set 1% goals with my clients, meaning, giving them the ability to take a proactive step in action that would be a 1% improvement in the area they are working on. To the brain it feels so achievable, so they do it, succeed, and build momentum from there.

2. Be a Master Problem Solver: Every challenge is an opportunity to showcase your brilliance. You’ll need to develop a toolkit of problem-solving skills and watch yourself conquer hurdles like a champ. Here’s the raw truth: You won’t necessarily HAVE the problem-solving skills at the time and may have to build them! Hire a coach, listen to a podcast or book, or educate up on the area you might not quite be a master of yet. 

3. Build Your Tribe: Nobody achieves greatness alone. Surround yourself with motivators, mentors, and cheerleaders who fuel your journey. Sadly, this may mean outside of your circle you would hope would be your tribe. Sometimes family and partners don’t give us everything we need, and that’s ok. It’s your responsibility to get the support elsewhere if that’s the case. 

Set Realistic Expectations

Listen up my Type A personalities…I know you want the process of reaching your New Year New You goals to be a straight shot, a straight, linear upward trend of progress, completely and fully predictable. Well my friend, it isn’t going to turn out that way, so let’s make sure you set realistic expectations from the start so your perfectionism doesn’t sabotage you – AGAIN. 

1. Dream Big, Start Small: Set goals that excite you but start with steps that feel manageable. This balance keeps you driven without being overwhelmed. (psst…are you noticing the multiple times in this article I emphasize “small” steps?)

2. Be Flexible: Life is unpredictable. Be ready to adapt your goals as needed. Flexibility isn’t a setback; it’s a strategy. You will have interruptions. You will have “off days”. You will have periods of time that just aren’t flowing the way you want it to. This is not the time to give up, rather dig your heels in and weather the storm. To sustain your success involves being able to be flexible, call the audible when needed, sometimes simply hold on while you weather that storm. 

13. Be Patient with Yourself: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dreams won’t be realized overnight. Celebrate progress, not just perfection. This will be a tough one for many, but it’s one of the biggest skills you can build. When you want to beat yourself up over making a mistake, ask yourself, “What would I say to my child if this was him or her?” or “What would I say to my partner or best friend?” You’ll snap out of that boo hoo party and straight into the supporter you need to be for YOU. 

More Tips To Building A FOREVER Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle, that isn’t going to come from an 8 week juice diet. We need serious approaches if we want serious results that STICK. Here are a few more lifestyle tips to keep in mind. At first glance, they aren’t anything flashy or fancy, in fact – they are kind of boring! But I promise, the boring practices, NOT the flashy, are what you need to WIN. 

1. Say YES to YOU: Prioritize yourself. When you’re at your best, you perform at your best. This isn’t selfish; it’s essential. Nobody can carve our 10 minutes for you. YOU have to make it happen. Keep in mind not everything you devote your time to has to have a sense of urgency or deadline. Just because it may not have a deadline, does not make it LESS important. 

2. Design a Power Routine: Atomic Habits author James Clear states, “You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.” Routines are a fundamental aspect of building good habits and breaking bad ones. His approach is grounded in the idea that small, incremental changes lead to significant long-term results. Here are some key points Clear makes about the importance of routines:

  • Start with Small Changes: Implement tiny habits that are so easy you can’t say no. This could be as simple as doing five push-ups a day or writing one sentence of your journal.

  • Build Habit Stacking: Piggyback new habits onto existing ones. After brushing your teeth, immediately do a two-minute meditation. This linkage creates a powerful routine.

  • Focus on Consistency Over Perfection: It’s about showing up every day, not about being perfect. Missing a day isn’t a failure; it’s a part of the process.

  • Create an Environment for Success: Tailor your surroundings to make good habits effortless and bad ones difficult. If you want to read more, keep a book on your bedside table.

3. Track and Celebrate: Keep your eyes on your progress, and don’t forget to throw a party for every milestone you hit! Don’t wait to celebrate until the end, you won’t have enough fire to get you to the finish line with this approach. 

Let this New Year be a testament to your unstoppable will, unbreakable spirit, and unyielding drive. With the right mindset, a plan to navigate through storms, and habits that uplift and empower, there’s no summit too high. Remember, motivation is a flame that thrives on your actions, thoughts, and indomitable will. Let this year be defined by not just dreaming of greatness but living it every single day. Here’s to a year of monumental growth, unwavering motivation, and life-changing achievements!

Author Shelby McDaniel

Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m a food lovin’ nutritionist but…I’m not a regular nutritionist. I’m an intuitive eating specialist, eating psychology practitioner, and Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU!)

What To Eat? Three Secret Questions To Ask Yourself

In our modern world, we encounter a deluge of contradictory messages regarding our dietary choices. The simple question, “what to eat?” quickly becomes overwhelming, confusing, and anxiety-ridden, creating an internal tug-of-war between our cravings and the latest nutritional advice.

Ironically, the criteria for categorizing foods as “good” or “bad” seem to shift every few years, leaving individuals bewildered and overwhelmed by the discordant and often arbitrary dietary mandates.

Yet, it is entirely possible to strike a harmonious balance between eating for nourishment and indulging in culinary pleasures. The challenge lies in silencing the cacophony of voices and finding that equilibrium when it comes to deciding what to eat.

Begin this transformative journey by asking yourself three straightforward questions when hunger beckons: “What do I want to eat?” “What do I need to eat?” and “What do I have to eat?”

Question 1: What Do I Want to Eat?

The first question to help you with what to eat is, “What do I want to eat?” might catch you off guard. Consider those moments when you’ve tried to resist a particular food, perhaps those tempting Girl Scout Cookies that arrived just as you embarked on a new low-carb regimen.

Initially, you may inspect the label, confirming that they fall outside your dietary boundaries. Consequently, you stow them in the freezer. But, lo and behold, two days later, their siren call emanates from their icy sanctuary, “Pssst. We’re in here!” You valiantly resist, opting for olives, cubes of cheese, leftover meatloaf, celery sticks, and a couple of pieces of low-carb toast. Yet, your hunger remains unsatisfied.

“Hey! We’re in here, and we taste divine when frozen!” You eventually succumb to your cravings, indulging in two cookies. “Well, I’ve already slipped up, might as well devour the entire sleeve and start anew tomorrow,” you concede. Does this sound familiar?

Acknowledging your true cravings without judgment can help you evade feelings of deprivation and regain control over your food choices. You might worry that if you constantly honor your cravings, you’ll always gravitate towards foods you “shouldn’t” eat. Initially, this may seem true as cravings tend to intensify when suppressed for prolonged periods. However, once you release the guilt surrounding certain foods, they gradually lose their hold on you.

Embrace the wisdom of your body, and you’ll discover an innate desire for a diverse range of foods that contribute to your health and contentment.

what to eat

The second question to ask yourself to help you decide what to eat is…

Question 2: What Do I Need to Eat?

While it’s crucial to recognize that food choices are not inherently “good” or “bad,” it’s evident that some foods offer superior nutritional value compared to others. When contemplating your dietary selections, pause to inquire, “What does my body require?” Uphold the principles of diversity, balance, and moderation as your guiding principles. It’s ok to use your noggin’ too and factor in nutritional information, your individual health considerations, familial medical history, your planned daily meals and activities, and your body’s unique reactions to specific foods.

Remember, nutrition is a TOOL, not a weapon. Decide how and when you wish to use it, but it’s information, NOT the LAW.

Help yourself enjoy more healthy choices more effortlessly by focusing on fresh foods, appealing combinations, new flavors, and interesting recipes instead of just numbers and food rules. 

And remember, one food or treat has zero power to cause instant weight gain or disease! 

What to eat

Question 3: What Do I Have to Eat?

The crux of the final question to help you with your decision making around what to eat is, “What do I have to eat?” all lies in preparation. When hunger strikes, and a vending machine stands as your sole option, you’re inclined to select a snack that may lack nutritional value, taste uninspiring, and not truly align with your hunger.

Instead, strive to maintain a repertoire of healthful foods readily available, ensuring they resonate with your palate when cravings arise. By doing so, you’ll prevent the scenario where tempting foods beckon you insistently, urging you to indulge. Google fast, easy meal ideas or scroll through platforms like Pinterest to get some fresh ideas that won’t take up too much time in the kitchen.

Now granted, you won’t always exert control over the food options accessible to you. You could know both what you WANT and NEED to eat, but what do you HAVE available? Sometimes, your options might be Panera, McDonald’S, or Wendy’s and you simply have to make the best of it versus seeing it as a failure and throwing in the towel. You still have choices! 

So whether dining out at a restaurant, partaking in an office potluck, or visiting a friend’s home, take a moment to assess those available choices. Pose the question, “Is there a nutritious option that satisfies my WANTS and NEEDS without inducing feelings of deprivation?” Consider, for instance, whether frozen yogurt might suffice instead of ice cream on this occasion. Should your heart yearn for the latter, then indulge in that scoop of ice cream without remorse.

Finding the right balance of healthy eating is ALL about experimenting, so remind yourself that there’s no “right” or “wrong”. Stay curious, and keep exploring.

Having foods available is sometimes a matter of improving your logistics rather than your mindfulness. In today’s world, done-for-you meal kits and services are at your fingertips and are worth considering to help make your meal planning a bit easier for you!

In Conclusion…

As you begin to use these three questions to help you decide on WHAT to eat, know that your answers about what you want, need, and have available will differ at times- and that’s ok! You can’t always predict what you want, need, or have available. Asking yourself these questions and aligning your food choices with your authentic cravings and your body’s nutritional necessities WILL yield greater satisfaction and heightened enjoyment, making healthy eating a much more natural process!



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Let's get real about weight

Let’s Get Real About Weight

In our ever-evolving world, conversations about weight loss often dominate the health and wellness landscape. Yet, despite the omnipresence of diet plans, fitness regimens, and

Author Shelby McDaniel

Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m a food lovin’ nutritionist but…I’m not a regular nutritionist. I’m an intuitive eating specialist, eating psychology practitioner, and Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU!)

5 Weight Loss Truths The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

The weight loss industry is worth billions of dollars, filled with products, supplements, plans, and services all promising the elusive goal of the perfect body. But despite all the hype, there are fundamental truths about weight loss that the industry often glosses over. Here, we’ll unravel five weight loss truths that can empower you to approach weight loss with more knowledge, wisdom, and realistic expectations.

1. There's No "One Size Fits All" Diet

The Truth Behind the Diet Plans

Marketers often push “revolutionary” diet plans that promise incredible results. The issue? People are different. What works wonderfully for one person might not work at all for another.

Listen to Your Body

Your genetics, metabolism, lifestyle, and personal preferences all play essential roles in determining the most suitable diet for you. The best diet is the one that aligns with your unique makeup, is nutritionally balanced, and can be sustained over the long term. You might find that you pluck principals from various diet experiments that DO fit beautifully into your lifestyle that ARE sustainable. At the end of the day, it’s about feeling good. If you hate what you’re eating and feel deprived, obviously that’s not the best fit for you so don’t hesitate to modify your plan and approach if necessary. You do NOT need anyone’s permission to do so! 

2. Weight Loss Isn't Always Linear

The Scale Doesn't Tell the Whole Story

The diet industry often promotes rapid weight loss, but the reality is that weight loss is usually slow and nonlinear.

Understanding Weight Fluctuations

Your weight can fluctuate daily due to various factors like water retention, muscle gain, or even the time of day. The faster you lose it, typically means you’re taking an unbalanced approach will will one day come to an end followed by a rush of all the weight that you just lost. A slow and steady approach focusing on building healthy habits will lead to sustainable weight loss over time. I recommend that you do NOT step on the scale more than once per week (if at all). Measure your progress by monitoring your improvements in mood, sleep, energy, bloating, digestion, and how your clothes fit.

Not only is your weight loss NOT linear, neither is the JOURNEY to achieving it. I like to tell my clients it’s less like a straight line trending downwards that we always see in graphs and more like an EKG. Expect moments that don’t go your way. Expect to have moments of doubt. It’s normal and all part of the process. Don’t give up. Success is learning from those mistakes and getting faster at recovering quickly! 

weight loss truths

3. Supplements and Detox Products Aren't Magic Pills

The Misleading Promises of Quick Fixes

From fat-burning pills to detox teas, the industry is rife with products promising immediate results. Sadly, most of them are ineffective at best, and harmful at worst. 

Focus on Whole Foods and Balanced Eating

Rather than relying on unregulated supplements, concentrate on nourishing your body with whole, natural foods. Your body is designed to detox and keep you healthy. Make it easier for your body to do so by giving it more whole foods than processed foods. Whole foods will have the fighting power nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties that will help your body thrive. A less inflamed body will be healthier and happier, which WILL 100% help you on your weight loss journey. 

4. Exercise Is Essential but Not a Weight Loss Silver Bullet

Exercise Alone Isn't Enough

The industry often overemphasizes exercise as the primary key to weight loss. While physical activity is essential for overall health, it’s not the sole determinant of weight loss. In fact, studies show it plays only a 20-25% role in weight loss for most humans. 

Understanding the Role of Diet

You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. A balanced approach that includes both healthy eating and regular physical activity is the most effective way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Keyword…”balanced”, not cut all your carbs, stop eating, or see sugar as evil kind of approach. 

I also suggest you replace “exercise” with the word “joyful movement” to help you build a more positive association with moving more if you are struggling in this area of your health. When you find moments to do what makes you and your body feel good (instead of exercising like you “should”), you’ll do more of it! Don’t set a duration or intensity goal, just go with it and see where it takes you! 

5. Mental and Emotional Health Are Crucial

Weight Loss Is More Than Just Calories

The industry often reduces weight loss to a simple equation of calories in versus calories out. However, your emotional well-being and relationship with food are equally important.

Adopting a Healthy Relationship with Food

Understanding your emotional triggers, eating mindfully, and building a positive relationship with food can be more beneficial than following restrictive diets. What is a healthy relationship with food? Check out this blog to learn more. Your mindset influences your body, which means, your mental and emotional health 100% impact your weight loss. Even more important than that, your mental and emotional health impact your overall health and quality of life! 

If you are struggling emotionally and that is playing a role in your relationship with food, this is our speciality. Check out all the ways we are here to support you. Struggling with your mindset about yourself and food doesn’t have to be a constant in your life, you CAN change it! 


Weight loss is a complex and highly individualized journey. While the diet industry often preaches quick fixes and easy solutions, the truth is that sustainable weight loss requires a more nuanced and holistic approach.

By understanding these five weight loss truths, you can set realistic expectations, make informed decisions, and work towards a healthier, happier you. Always remember that investing time in learning about your unique body and mind will pay off far more than chasing the latest dieting fad.



Author Shelby McDaniel

Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m a food lovin’ nutritionist but…I’m not a regular nutritionist. I’m an intuitive eating specialist, eating psychology practitioner, and Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU!)

Am I Worthy of Success? How To Stop Self Sabotage

Am I worthy of success? Am I deserving of happiness? Am I deserving of the good measure that flows with success? I  can’t see myself as being fit and healthy, or being happy and loved as I am…with the body that I have. Ugh…how do I stop self-sabotage? !

Does this sound like you? If so, then we’ve got some work to do my friend because if you truly believe this, you will NEVER EVER reach your goals. 

This is what we call a limiting belief and limiting beliefs are are often at the root of why we self sabotage our very own success. I could give you all the mindfulness tips, healthy eating tips in the world but at the end of the day if you believe you aren’t worthy to be successful or are undeserving of the success that is possible for you – I promise you you’ll find a way to sabotage yourself to align with these inner beliefs. 

Beliefs can be extremely powerful and control our behavior. Thoughts whether they are unconscious or conscious to us, impact our feelings which impact our actions we take or don’t take. These deep core beliefs like I am never enough or worthy enough often often comes from things that people said to you or about you, and they have convinced you. They programmed you to see yourself in a limited parameter. And so when you see opportunities beyond how you’ve been programmed, you reject it because you don’t feel like you’re deserving of it. 

And also because of this programming, you contribute each unfortunate experience in your life back to I’m not good enough or I’m not deserving of, so much so, that you believe no matter how much you do, no matter how much you accomplish, how many friends you acquire, you’re just not good enough or deserving of what you desire. 

But what if I were to tell you that the thought in your mind that you are never good enough and undeserving that you have embodied to be true was just a load of you-know-what? Yeah right Shelby, I know I’m not enough is what you might be saying, but let me ask you something…what if I’m right? 

What if I’m right and you’re over there wasting your time and letting opportunities just slip right by you because you refuse to be open to the possibility that maybe you can change how you feel about yourself. What if I’m right and you could be feeling like you’re on top of the mountain screaming in success but instead you’re stuck because you refuse to be open to the possibilities that what you believe to be true about yourself – isn’t?! 

The problem with self-sabotage, for many of us is, that we get into the habit of it. As humans we are creatures of habit. Our brains are literally meant to automate what we practice and do often, day in and day out, as a means to save energy. These repetitive patterns then become our emotional home, that’s our place of familiarity that we tend to unconsciously always find our way back to. 

But what do we know about habits? We can change them! I’m going to outline some steps for today to help you break down these beliefs and replace them with ones that align with the person you are yearning to become. Now,these steps will require some footwork but hey, if you really want to change your beliefs, you’ve got to put in the effort. 

How To Stop Self-Sabotage: Step #1

Write down all the old beliefs that have kept you from following through on your goal in the past that you are willing to release and no longer allow to infiltrate your future. What pain has this caused you? What interruptions in your life have these beliefs created? What have you missed out on? What hardships have you and are you experiencing? 

Make it hurt. This is going to start building some negative, painful neuro associations in your brain with the thought of not changing. We know most people’s brains naturally move away from neuro associations it has with pain and moves towards neuro associations it has with things that are pleasurable.

How To Stop Self-Sabotage: Step #2

Visualize your success. Just as past experiences impact your beliefs about what is possible, so does your imagined experience of the future. It is absolutely essential that you create a positive neuro association with your future self. Studies show that visualization is so important when it comes to rewiring your brain. No one else can do this for you. 

Prime yourself for success by taking time to visualize your success. Write down your vision or make a digital (, Pinterest) or physical vision board. Visualize your success that includes what is important to you, what you wish to accomplish and experience, but does NOT include your limiting beliefs! If visualizing your success is filled only with uncertainty, doubt, and fear…then you’ve found the hole you’ve got to plug. Your brain won’t move forward willingly if it only associates your future self with massive amounts of pain!  

How To Stop Self-Sabotage: Step #3

Replace your habitual smack talk you say to yourself. Write down new beliefs that will empower you from this point forward. I AM statements are very powerful here. Instead of, I’m not worthy for example, replace that with I AM worthy or I’ll never lose this weight to I’m in the process of figuring it out, I’ll get there. How would you encourage your friend? Child? Apply it to YOU too! Review these every day and don’t just say it, EMBODY IT. FEEL IT. Remember, what if I’m right and you can change the trajectory of your life as you know it? 

How To Stop Self-Sabotage: Step #4

Write down ALL your reasons you MUST remove these limiting beliefs? What are your reasons you MUST take action towards the success you envision? (Change occurs when we move from something being a “should” to becoming a “must” change in our lives). Get real with yourself. 

Maybe you MUST change because let’s face it, you’re depressed! Maybe it’s a MUST change for you because how you feel sucks! Maybe it’s a MUST change for you because your health literally depends on it, maybe it’s a MUST change for you because you see your child beginning to take on the very same beliefs and unhealthy habits you do? 

How To Stop Self-Sabotage: Step #5

Finally, review your new beliefs and vision for success often and work hard to anchor them into your body. Imagine the feelings these new beliefs will bring to your life, feel them in your soul, celebrate this feeling! How grateful you are to be (confident, healthy, loved, valued, successful, blessed, etc). Repeat Repeat Repeat.

Now, not feeling worthy enough or feeling undeserving isn’t the specific belief you struggle with but you continually see the patterns of self sabotage, then consider signing up for a free 14 day trial to my Diet Freedom Membership. Why? Because I’m throwing in a bonus Self Sabotage workshop that will expand on other reasons why we self sabotage and give you even more in depth steps that you can take to put all of that to a halt. 

Think about what would be possible for you if you could just figure this one very important piece to this puzzle? 

Author Shelby McDaniel

Hi! I’m Shelby and I’m a food lovin’ nutritionist but…I’m not a regular nutritionist. I’m an intuitive eating specialist, eating psychology practitioner, and Certified Mind Body Nutrition Coach, here to free you from diet culture once and for all! Because you deserve peace with food, eating, and your body. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU!)