Weight Loss Success

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Weight Loss Success

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure? Read More

Diet Freedom Stories

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“Shelby has changed my life!”


Shelby has changed my life! She’s an amazing coach that knows what to say and makes you feel safe, and able to express your true emotions! Learning Intuitive eating has been a game changer for my mental health, outlook on life, and my body image. I was struggling with serious binge eating, and eating large amounts of sugar. I thought struggling was going to be my life forever. Now I feel in charge, and free to eat the foods I want and also trust my body to know what to do. I learned you can still look great and live life at the same time. I highly recommend going through this journey with Shelby!

weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Leah Hyman
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“This program will change your life”


I’ve had a lifelong struggle with food and dieting, yoyo-ing between restrictive and binge eating. I felt like I would never break the cycle of fear and self-hate surrounding food and my body. I was crippled by guilt whenever I would eat anything no matter how “healthy” or “good”, and I skipped most meals because I just didn’t know how to do anything that wouldn’t cause me to gain weight. I was exhausted, overweight, and hopeless. When I pictured a lifetime of this restrictive dieting lifestyle, I wanted to give up. Then I found Shelby.

Investing in myself through Diet Freedom was the best decision I’ve ever made. I was skeptical that anything could help me, but Shelby gave me the permission that I’ve needed to give my body what it needs and to feel empowered to make healthy decisions. She told me once that you can’t hate yourself into change, and it’s so true – Shelby showed me how to love myself, stay positive even when I’m going through struggles, and keep moving forward on the path to a healthy life. I feel free from the control that food had over my life, and I have a renewed energy for other things that I’d given up on now that I can focus on something other than my diet. I can’t say enough about how worth it this program is.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Rebecca Weisenhoff
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"A journey towards healing"


I am so glad that God led me to Shelby! She is so knowledgeable about food struggles, the body, and nutrition, and she shares from her own experience. Through the Diet Freedom University program and weekly coaching calls I have learned so much and been able to process my wins and struggles along the way.
Most importantly, I have been learning how to be kinder to myself, let go of perfectionism, eat what I REALLY want, and experience more freedom and energy to invest in other parts of life besides food. I would HIGHLY reccommend her to anyone struggling with their relationship with food!

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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"Get to the ROOT of your overeating and body stuff..."


What I love about Shelby is that she got to the root cause of my overeating and body image issues. So many other programs only deal with the symptoms of overeating via weight loss and exercise. Inevitably, I swing back into my old patters. Why? Because I didn’t deal with the root cause.

Shelby establishes routines and practices that address these root causes and conditions. So now, issues that I’ve struggled with for decades, are finally abating. Thank. You. Shelby.

If your experience is anything like mine, there will be ups and downs. You will doubt yourself and the program. Just stick with it and get some damn relief!

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Andrew Watkins
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"No turning back now..."

Shelby’s intuitive demeanor, education and training are top notch for an immersive, integrated approach to therapy. Without getting into too personal details, Shelby had the perfect approach for me to dig deep and get into past/present traumas, recognizing how it was interconnected with my physical health and relationship with food. No one gets 7 bleeding ulcers by accident, especially when they are not bacteria based. She expertly crafts cognitive based therapy techniques with industry leading knowledge on food and movement, more or less guaranteeing the positive mind and body result you are looking for. If you are looking for an easy, quick fix, this is not for you. If you are serious about your recovery, this program IS for you. With her coaching, I have gone back to a race ready mindset, better tools to use in my current practice as an attorney, and reorganizing my wellness outlook on development of truly healthy relationships with people and myself, and the ability to recognize damaging relationships and ending them with grace and dignity. My road to recovery is far from over, but with Shelby’s guidance, there is no going back the way I came. Years ago, I was told that when it comes to therapy, in any form, you get what you put into it. If you are ready to get into those uncomfortable places within yourself and really dig deep to see yourself as you are, this is the right way to do it. Creating these building blocks for yourself will stick, and you will thank yourself for it. Have that respect for yourself, see it through. When you are done with the time you’ve made for yourself with Shelby, you will be happier for it. I am, every day. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Christina Salabert
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"Pivotal step in healing journey... "

I’ve struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food and binge eating disorder for over twenty-five years. My healthcare team recommended a mindful eating program as the next step in my journey. When I first started working with Shelby, I was cautiously optimistic. I didn’t know if I could ever truly have a healthy relationship with food, but now I know that I ABSOLUTELY CAN! Working with Shelby was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself. The program is free of harmful ‘diet’ culture and full of tools to help you peel back the layers of your beliefs about food in order to heal and have a much healthier relationship with food. Now that negative thoughts regarding food have lessened significantly thanks to my work with Shelby, I have a lot more time to do the things that bring me joy. My quality of life has improved immensely.
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Mary Mackey
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“Shelby has changed my life!”


Shelby has changed my life! She’s an amazing coach that knows what to say and makes you feel safe, and able to express your true emotions! Learning Intuitive eating has been a game changer for my mental health, outlook on life, and my body image. I was struggling with serious binge eating, and eating large amounts of sugar. I thought struggling was going to be my life forever. Now I feel in charge, and free to eat the foods I want and also trust my body to know what to do. I learned you can still look great and live life at the same time. I highly recommend going through this journey with Shelby!

weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Leah Hyman
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“This program will change your life”


I’ve had a lifelong struggle with food and dieting, yoyo-ing between restrictive and binge eating. I felt like I would never break the cycle of fear and self-hate surrounding food and my body. I was crippled by guilt whenever I would eat anything no matter how “healthy” or “good”, and I skipped most meals because I just didn’t know how to do anything that wouldn’t cause me to gain weight. I was exhausted, overweight, and hopeless. When I pictured a lifetime of this restrictive dieting lifestyle, I wanted to give up. Then I found Shelby.

Investing in myself through Diet Freedom was the best decision I’ve ever made. I was skeptical that anything could help me, but Shelby gave me the permission that I’ve needed to give my body what it needs and to feel empowered to make healthy decisions. She told me once that you can’t hate yourself into change, and it’s so true – Shelby showed me how to love myself, stay positive even when I’m going through struggles, and keep moving forward on the path to a healthy life. I feel free from the control that food had over my life, and I have a renewed energy for other things that I’d given up on now that I can focus on something other than my diet. I can’t say enough about how worth it this program is.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Rebecca Weisenhoff
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"A journey towards healing"


I am so glad that God led me to Shelby! She is so knowledgeable about food struggles, the body, and nutrition, and she shares from her own experience. Through the Diet Freedom University program and weekly coaching calls I have learned so much and been able to process my wins and struggles along the way.
Most importantly, I have been learning how to be kinder to myself, let go of perfectionism, eat what I REALLY want, and experience more freedom and energy to invest in other parts of life besides food. I would HIGHLY reccommend her to anyone struggling with their relationship with food!

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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"It Really Does Get Better"


“I was hesitant to join the program with Shelby at first but jumped into it after reading the reviews here, and I’m SO grateful that I did! It’s probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in my adult life.
Shelby is an amazing coach who is knowledgeable, warm, compassionate and patient. When I first started the program I had been suffering with bulimia for 15 years and was generally unhappy with my life and lacked confidence. I was just living because I didn’t want to die. Everyday I spent most of my time thinking about my weight, body and food that I was allowed to eat. I was trapped in a torture prison of calorie-counting and bingeing, then regretting.
And now, after just 3 months of working with Shelby, I can safely say I’m a completely different person. I no longer obsess over “good” or “bad” food, I am more active and have more energy, I feel content with my body, and I actually enjoy my life. I never thought this was possible. My changed relationship with food has changed so many different aspects of my life for the better that it would actually be impossible to list every positive shift. I really believed that I would diet and suffer for the rest of my life, but here I am now, living life and loving myself.
Working with Shelby is not a diet program and you’ll never be given a generic meal plan and told to follow it. She helps you explore yourself as a person and identify your true needs and make the natural changes from within. Because of this, the mindset shifts you experience while working with Shelby are sustainable for the long-term.
I’m so grateful and lucky to have found Shelby. And I really hope that whoever is reading this review makes the decision to change their life for the better, too. It really does get better!! 🙂” 

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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"Final Solution To My Diet Dilemma…"


Shelby’s Diet Freedom program has provided the final solution to my diet dilemma. After years of using “proven” and “expert” diet programs, aka WW, LA Weight Loss System, Noom, Diet Center, etc. etc., I have finally gotten to the root cause of my eating disorder (for lack of a better term). Her training modules are well written (and spoken) and the weekly coaching calls are so helpful. It has taken me a great deal of time to go through the program, which does take time, effort, and lots of self-reflection. Although I have not completed all of the modules yet, I am well on my way to a healthier and happier lifestyle–thanks to this program–and Shelby!!

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Ann S.
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"Incredible Learning Journey…"


Shelby does an excellent job of laying out, step by step, how to stop the negative feedback loop in all of our heads and take control of the narrative, ending the negative cycle that holds us back and allowing us to move forward to a much more positive, open space. The program not only focuses on food issues and cleaning up that front, but also more broadly anything that’s holding you back. It has been such an incredible learning journey and I would highly recommend the program to anyone.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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"Truly, a healing journey"

When my GP recommended Shelby’s coaching, I had no idea that I’d come out the other end having learned how to love, listen, and truly care for my whole self. After a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, negative body image, and feeling helpless, Shelby’s amazing guidance has truly helped me heal. Gone are the obsessive diets, the fear of failure, and the self-loathing that followed every slip up. Shelby has taught me how to finally take charge and live my best life every step of the way. Shelby – Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I am a beautiful work in progress and I wouldn’t be where I am today without your patience and care!
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Amy Hay
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"Offers All The Help You Need.."


After a life long struggle with dieting and body image, I found Shelby. This is a practical approach that addresses the reasons why we overeat and fail at weight loss repeatedly. If you are ready to do some hard work and make the necessary changes to stop the cycle you are in the right place. This will be accomplished with support and all the tools you need to succeed. Shelby is a great coach and offers all the help you need. Thanks Shelby

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Susan G
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"Working with Shelby is a game-changer!"

Shelby did a beautiful job of meeting me where I was, affirming my strengths, and walking alongside me with her wisdom and support. What a gift that was! And it still is, because the tools she gave me will last a lifetime. If you work with Shelby, be prepared for a new and better mindset, new and better decisions, far less attachment to the scale and ‘programs,’ more awareness of healthy, sustainable options, and more comfort in your own skin. She made all of this possible for me, and I am confident she gives her all to *every* client. With far less effort, I lost the weight I wanted to lose, and though stay-at-home orders are still making life more challenging, I have SO much more confidence that my body and I are on the right path. And might I add, the path is more enjoyable. 🙂 Thank you, Shelby, for your knowledge, wisdom, patience, kindness and generosity. I recall with gratitude all the ways you went above and beyond for me and I say THANK YOU!
Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Gina D
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"I love living free from food guilt"

Shelby is amazing. Her coaching and perspective changed my life. I love living free from food guilt.
Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Lisa Spence
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Real-World Nutrition"

A wealth of knowledge and real-world applications for healthy goals. 10/10 recommend!
Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Melissa Matis
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Shelby is amazing"

Shelby is amazing! Definitely trust her to help with your food issues!!
Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Shelby literally changed my mind"

Shelby truly changed the way that I think. I was hesitant to dive in, but with her steady guidance and upbeat support, I made progress that I never would have anticipated. If you are on the fence, DIVE IN! You will be so happy that you did.
Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Amazing support and inspiration"


Shelby is an amazing support and an inspiration. I highly recommend to invest in her diet freedom program! If you are willing to do the work, you will not regret it.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Shelby's approach is not mechanical"

Shelby’s approach to nutrition is not mechanical like many other places. She digs deep into your relationship with food, and, well, fixes it. By encouraging a healthy relationship with food, you begin to see the amazing transformation you are looking for — but WITHOUT THE STRESS! The benefits are more than I can count, but one of the clearest is that there is no ‘diet’ and there is no ‘maintenance plan’ and there is no ‘beating yourself up for eating badly’. She provides constant and caring support and you move through meeting your goals. And she is not one to keep taking your money for no reason. Imagine my surprise when she said “I think you are ready to graduate the program!” Of course now I just miss her… 🙂 Highly recommended!!
Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Heinan Landa
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Working with Shelby has been wonderful"


Working with Shelby has been wonderful. She was so understanding and supportive. Shelby made it very easy to open up and be honest about my feelings and work through my issues with food. I was able to rediscover an inner strength in myself that allowed me to trust myself and others in my life.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Samantha Moeller
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"Shelby McDaniel's Diet..."


I found Shelby McDaniel and TNT Nutrition totally by accident when I was Googling something (I can’t even tell you now, what it was!), but from the description, I knew this training would provide the missing piece of the puzzle I have looked for through my MANY years of yo-yo weight loss/weight gain. And Shelby and her course have not disappointed. Shelby’s knowledge in this area is only outdone by her coaching skills, which are exemplary. She not only lays the path to “diet freedom,” but she keeps you on that path with gentle “course corrections” when needed and a continual re-focus on the positive within yourself. I have not only found that missing piece of the puzzle, I have found my life again. Thank you, Shelby!

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Laurie Baker
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"An Amazing Friend and Trusted Advisor"


If you are looking to change, this is the place to be! With her humor and wit, Shelby has the ability to help you resolve any emotional eating or negative body image issues. I can personally attest my life has been changed. Thanks to Shelby, I now have the right tools in my toolkit to manage any issue that comes my way.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Laini Forrest
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"It’s not about food..."


Through our one-to-one calls and her Diet Freedom University, Shelby saved me from continuing down a path of yo yo dieting and instead steered me towards more sustainable changes that will last my lifetime. When I first reached out to her I expected to be given a diet and exercise plan, to weigh myself weekly and give up certain foods entirely. I was shocked to find out that my struggles really had nothing to do with food, and with Shelby’s help I learned to tap into my inner wisdom, intuition, and actually start trusting my body’s hunger cues again. We addressed how important headspace is (Queen thinking!), and the other things keeping me from being my best self. While I’ll still slip up or fall into negative coping patterns as I implement these practices, I know myself so much better now, and have tools in my kit to succeed!

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Marisa M
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"She really helped me get through a hard..."


She really helped me get through a hard time in my life where stress eating would have taken over but she changed my way of thinking. Making me a better healthier person

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Kristie LeGault
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online weight loss program Section 4 Trustpilot, weight loss success

"I literally trust Shelby McDaniel with…"


I literally trust Shelby McDaniel with my life! I have been a client of Shelby since 2015. She has always placed my health ahead of the competition and in spite of my condition Shelby has been able to transform me into a National level competitor (which we did not think was possible back in 2015). I also maintain my working relationship with Shelby in my off season to reset my mental health and body as we transition to off season physique.

Section 4 SM Stampfull, weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Tracy Smith

Video Testimonials

Kat Simonovic
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Kat Simonovic

2016 Olympic Rio Games swimmer Kat Simonovic struggled with a toxic mentality about food and struggled with binge eating due to high level perfectionist expectations. Today Kat feels at peace with food and body and has found joy again in her exercise!

weight loss success, online nutrition coach
Play Video


"Shelby, the work I have done with you over the past 4-5 months has been nothing short of transformational! I only wish I could accurately illustrate he mental, emotional weight I have lost on this journey! Man, that would be some impressive before and after pics."

Weight loss success, online nutrition coach
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Shawn the fitness guru secretly struggled behind the scenes with binge eating, painful food and exercise obsessions, and a negative relationship with food since the 8th grade. Now for the first time in his life he’s actually enjoying eating and food is no longer controlling him!

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Hasnaa M

Hasnaa discovered that healing her relationship with food was the final piece she needed to finally close the door to her past trauma and decade cycles of self neglect. Losing weight was just the icing on the cake for her!

Weight loss success
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For years Liz tried losing weight through restrictive eating and over exercising, leaving her body taxed, her mind thinking about food 24/7, and feeling shameful about her body and self. Today she free from all food troubles, intuitively eating, diving into spiritual coaching, and writing her first book!

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Nichole S

After 15 years of failed dieting attempts and a completely defeated attitude about weight loss, Nichole has created a positive life-long change with her relationship with food and self! Oh, and she lost 25lbs, all in 3 months!

Weight loss success
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Laini F

"I haven’t been this happy in 30 years!" Listen to Laini’s journey to overcome a life long struggle with food, emotional eating, and finding stability, weight loss, and re-discovering of herself.​

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Pody G

Dieting since she was 7 years old, Pody still struggled with food even at the age of 64. Her biggest fear was she would die young. Pody finally healed her relationship with food after struggling for more than five decades, lost weight, improved her A1c, and proved it's never too late to change!

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Jayshree N

Jayshree struggled with an eating disorder and negative body image for almost 15 years. She felt hopeless, especially after her therapist told her she couldn't help her anymore. Today Jayshree is not in recovery, she IS recovered, living a life she honestly never though was possible.

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"Joanie was an AVID “juicer”. Rarely did she eat whole foods. She juiced her fruits and vegetables constantly, and even thought she added protein to these smoothies, she couldn’t lose the weight."

Weight loss success
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"For years Liz tried losing weight through restrictive eating and over exercising, leaving her body taxed, her mind thinking about food 24/7, and feeling shameful about her body and self."

Weight loss success
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"Shana Sabourin participated in our coaching services that would change her ways of eating and thinking about food completely. Shana was not severely overweight, nor did she have any signs nearing an eating disorder."

Food Freedom,Health, Intuitive Eating, and Intuitive Eating Weight Loss Success Stories...

weight loss success

"It Changed My Life"

I feel confident in my ability to make conscious food choices and know that it is totally within my control to continue this journey and relationship with food. I want to thank you so much for your guidance and love through this process. This is the best money I have ever spent on myself and it truly was a lifetime investment. The tools you offered me and your unwavering support have given me more than I could’ve ever dreamt. I am preparing to go to grad school to be a nurse anesthetist (as you know) and I see such a change in myself. I don’t think I would’ve gotten into grad school, nor even taken the leap to apply if it weren’t for how your program changed my life. It sounds super generic to say “it changed my life”…. but it did! I am a happier, more content version of myself.

- Megan R

weight loss success

From 25 Years of Food Obsession to Diet Freedom

My time with Shelby completely changed my life – not only my relationship with food. When I found her online I was already on my way to healing my relationship with food. After about 25 years of bulimic behaviors I was in recovery. But I was still very “crazy” about food. It was always on my mind. had gained about 50 pounds and was afraid any type of restricting would make bring back my eating disorder. So I felt very stuck, and in retrospect I can see my world was very small. Being obsessed with food and weight took up the majority of my thoughts.

So I signed up to work with Shelby and I began to make some shifts in my thinking that led me to where I am today – diet freedom – but so much more than that. Today I make food choices that make me feel good. Nothing is off limits but I am empowered to make good choices for my body. Throughout my work with Shelby I also made the choice to quit drinking alcohol – and this was definitely not something I believed was possible before. Now I see it as a healthy choice that I welcomed into my life and not as something I’m sacrificing for weight loss or any other reason.

In the end I did lose weight. I gave away my scale, but I’m measuring progress by how my favorite clothes fit. But there is far more that happened than weight loss. I gained confidence. I lost my chronic heartburn and stomach issues. I was able to leave an unhealthy romantic relationship. My time management is so much better – and I have routines that I created that are important to me and that I choose to follow through with.

Working with Shelby changed my life and opened up my world so much. I recommend working with her and I am so grateful I came across her website that day last January.

- Katie

weight loss success

Ended My 20 Year Battle with Food

Since she was just 3 years old, Hayley battled food and body struggles. Despite years of working with therapists and trying all kinds of diets, her first call with Shelby was her FIRST conversation she actually had about her unhealthy relationship with food and body. Shelby worked closely with Hayley for 16 weeks and now Hayley is able to let go of her lifelong struggle with food, allowing her to start truly living her life to the fullest, release unwanted weight, and proactively and positively attend to other personal health matters without her (past) toxic relationship with food getting in the way.

I just want to truly thank you for your support with everything. Prior to working with your coaching, I had been ignoring my health. It was easier to ignore taking care of my body and mind and focus on work then others. Today, I can truly say I put me first then everyone/thing else. I can look at food as nutrition versus comfort or the enemy. I have incorporated new foods, recipes, and lifestyles that I ENJOY! It’s no longer a stressful experience to manage my relationship food. You have made a BATTLE/WAR with food and my body end after 20 years! Thank you for everything you have done for me! You have truly changed my life and future!

- Hayley

Weight loss success

Overcoming 20 Year Struggle with Food & Body

I have been struggling with a unhealthy relationship with food /body image for the better part of almost 20 years. It doesn’t help that as a military member that I have fitness standards to maintain annually. I found Shelby after searching for a diet consultant and her website jumped out at me because it noted that it deals with individuals with a history of eating issues. A year ago, I was diagnosed by a therapist that I am bulimic. Even though the therapist helped to identify the clinical definition of the problem, I still was in search for the root of my issue.

I changed duty stations and still could not find anyone to help until Shelby came into my life. I was very depressed and felt hopeless until we started talking. While I was a little skeptical at first, what drew me to her was her love for helping others and the fact that she has experienced a unhealthy relationship with food as well. Once I stated her program and watched her videos, almost every block or message spoke to my own personal struggles. Today I have a new sense of self. For years my focus was on what the scale said every morning and now I know that I am a whole person without looking at digital number’s multiple times per day.

While I still have to maintain standards, I am more comfortable in my own skin. Her program has really helped me to understand that food or my weight should never control me. Shelby is a really good person and I would recommend her to absolutely anyone. I believe that she genuinely cares about her clients and she works with you individually to help you become better and whole.

I know if you are coming to Shelby, we have more in common than the average person. If you are struggling with food and your own self-worth through food, she can definitely help you.

- Michael B

weight loss success

"I’m Not Worried About My Weight Anymore"

I am so much calmer personality wise because I no longer have the stress of food and dieting and I am no longer even worried about my weight! Thank you!”

- Lori A

weight loss success

"No More Counting Macros 24/7!"

GOD I AM SO GLAD I NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT COUNTING ANOTHER MACRO OR FOLLOWING SOME RIDICULOUS MEAL PLAN OR INTENSE WORKOUT!!! And I know for a fact that I don’t have to worry about ever getting myself into that situation again because I am learning the tools I need to eat without those ridiculous restrictions! I can’t thank you enough for the tools you’ve given me!” 

- Emily E

weight loss success

"I'll never forget working with you..."

I was so restrictive and hard on myself to look a certain way. I am happy to say that is no longer the case. Nutrition didn’t continue to be a job anymore. It became fuel. I use healthy and whole foods to power through my workouts which allow me to gain strength and recover. I notice that I smile more and have begun enjoying the small things. Getting to work with you will be something I will never forget, so thank you!” 

- Jaime F

weight loss success

"Rid of the diet-mentality mindset..."

Thank you Shelby for helping me with my health and fitness goals. I found Shelby when I was searching for help because I needed to get my weight and health back on track. Shelby helped me to realize the value and power of mindful eating, and assisted me with specific strategies around proper nutrition planning, macro-nutrients balancing, and most importantly getting rid of the diet-mentality mindset. All of this along with a sensible exercise program allowed me to quickly feel better and notice changes and improvements in my body.” 

- Don W

weight loss success

Overcoming Food Struggles at Age 65

I didn’t think I could change my brain at age 65 but I’m proof that you can! I realize I CAN do this and be in charge and I don’t have continue to feel this way about myself or food! I’m feeling lighter and happier every day and doing much better with my perfectionist thinking. My emotional eating is down on a scale of 1-10, from a 9.5 to a 2. Now that my stress surrounding self and food has decreased, my body is beginning to release the weight! ” 

- Ann S

weight loss success

"I will never go back..."

At 63 years old, after a lifetime of struggling with my weight, I am no longer on blood pressure medicine and I’ve lost 35lbs. The tools you gave me to change my lifestyle will always be there and I will never go back. The confidence you gave me to do this is beyond measure. Keep up what you are doing. It is important work. Thank-you again!!” 

- Karen D

weight loss success

“I’m Free!”

Words cannot express the freedom you’ve given me. I cannot thank you enough for your wisdom, confidence & permission (as crazy as that last one sounds)!! ” 

- Amber A

weight loss success

Goodbye Binge Eating. Hello -100lbs

“I can’t remember the last time we even talked about a binge episode.” Casey tried to avoid all the things he felt he “shouldn’t” be eating, would eat very rigidly for weeks only eating foods he felt he “should” be eating, and he would ALWAYS end up bingeing on those very foods to which he avoided at least once a week. Our Diet Freedom program helped him put his fears of never being able to heal his binge eating to rest. He realizes he isn’t on a diet any more, he can eat what he loves he just doesn’t need to eat a ton of it. He has shifted from being completely food focused to not really even thinking about food any more. He’s lost 40lbs, nope make that 100 lbs to date and multiple pant sizes! ” 

- Casey M

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"Restrictive Eater to Nutritional Mental Reset"

Madelyn found hardships in finding balance with her eating. She was very restrictive and compliant to the point where it was unsustainable, which led to overeating and yo-yoing back and forth. She loved whole foods but just couldn’t figure out why she struggled to stay consistent. Madelyn worked through some deep inner work to address the obstacles that were keeping her from succeeding such as perfectionism, shame, and specific triggers that were causing her to overeat. She has learned to embrace the positivity that healthy eating brings to her life, and tune in to her body’s natural hunger rhythm to help her eat mindfully.

Shelby was instrumental in helping me identify some unhealthy nutritional habits I had developed and gave me the tools to change them. Without her insight and knowledge I don’t think I would be in the healthy state I am today, she truly provides the perfect environment to explore and dig deep. For me it was instrumental in improving my health, always persistent and never judging I would highly recommend her to anyone needing a nutritional mental reset.” 

- Madelyn

weight loss success

"Life Change with My Relationship with Food"

This program has been life changing for me! It is exactly what I needed to have a good relationship with food. I am so glad I decided to do this because I have tried to do many programs on my own because of $ reasons and I thought with the knowledge I have I could for sure do it on my own. Time kept passing by and I feel like things only got worse. I needed support and that’s exactly what Shelby did for me among many other things.

Starting out I knew this program was going to work because I felt it was exactly what I needed. It was really scary for me to eat whatever I wanted at the beginning because none of it was healthy, which wasn’t like me unless I wasn’t being restrictive at that time. I started to wonder if it really was going to work but I did know that being restrictive works but its temporary and it takes over your life! I had played that game enough and I was done with it! Shelby told me that you can’t focus on losing weight until you have a good relationship with food. So I decided to just trust her and forget about the weight loss. Once I did that, things really started to improve. I still didn’t lose weight but I didn’t care. I went out and bought clothes that fit me that I actually liked to wear because I wanted to just be happy now and not wait to lose weight. What a waste of time that had been to only wear sweats and clothing that I didn’t like because cute clothes made me feel better and I accepted myself more. Overtime the clothes I had bought were getting loose which was awesome but of course I had just bought them. Oh well, I knew I had lost inches and felt better so that’s worth the $ spent on clothes for a few weeks. I decided to weigh because I thought for sure I had lost weight based on how my clothes fit. Surprisingly, I had not lost any weight. Shelby told me that no one cares what weight your walking around with, losing inches is way better. This was the first time I have not allowed the scale to control how I feel. I didn’t care because I felt good, had energy, and I wasn’t eating off of all the emotions that I did at the beginning. And I lost inches!!

At the end of my 12 week program I had lost weight, not as much as I would of thought but it was even better because I have kept the muscle from all the hard work of working out and I have lost inches and I can now fit my clothes in my closet that I have been dying to wear for a very long time. I walk around heavier on the scale but am just as thin as I used to be. I love that I don’t think about food anymore because that was taking up so much of my time. My energy goes into all the things I’ve been wanting it to go to, like spending more time with my family and focusing on them and not my weight and calorie intake. Healthy food taste amazing to me and unhealthy food isn’t as good as it used to be. I don’t have something unhealthy unless I really want it and I’m eating unhealthy food less and less because it just doesn’t sound good anymore. And if I do want something unhealthy I am okay with it because I feel more balanced than I ever have with food. It feels so good to eat what I want and not put on weight, I can’t believe it’s just a change of your mindset and that naturally happened to me without even trying.

This program is so worth every penny and I would do this program for as long as I needed because it’s worth a good relationship with food! I can’t express how life changing it is. I am such a different person now and not just with food, but in other aspects of my life. I have relationships with people that I never had time for and I realize how important it is now. I was missing out on so much, on truly living!
I am forever grateful to Shelby, you know what you are doing and you transform lives. ” 

- Robyn

weight loss success

"Best Decision I Made for Myself…"

I had always been the athlete who ate what I wanted when I wanted and however much I wanted. After I stopped playing sports I discovered the gym and lifting. With that new found love for lifting I started researching anything and everything. What I needed to do to be like all the fitness model athletes. The people I wanted to be. This is where the roots of the challenges I faced for years started.

I was struggling for several years with the cycle of being on and off track with my eating habits. My cycle would usually last about three weeks of pushing myself in the gym and eating the same food every day before I would make whatever excuse and just stop. I was bored and thought that that meal structure was what all athletes did. I was researching and relying on big name websites for information. So much to the point I was drowning in information overload and was questioning everything I was doing around my eating habits. I lost my passion for what I once loved so much.

In these cycles I wanted everything I thought I couldn’t have. If I had a meal outside of my structure, I would feel guilty for hours after. I would continue to eat that way for the rest of the day thinking, “I already messed up, I’ll get back on track tomorrow.” But my eating habits weren’t only negatively impacted by that. I was environmentally triggered. If there was food around me, I wanted it. If I ordered something, I always had to finish my plate. This was my hard earned money and I didn’t want to waste it. My weight would follow those eating habits and I was constantly up and down each month. The cycles left me emotionally exhausted, questioning everything around my routine and mostly just unhappy. I had had enough!

Through my time of working with Shelby, everything started to click. I have more energy and found my passion for the gym and eating healthy again. My meals are colorful with choices and am never bored. I relearned to give myself permission, freedom and most importantly really listen to my body. To pause and tune-in to what it is I actually want and not solve every issue or success with food. There is no longer that sense of confusion or questioning my decisions. I now know what works best for me and my current goal and haven’t once thought about going back to those negative habits. The trust and confidence I have in myself now has traveled over to other areas of my life. Without Shelby I would still be on my three week cycle like I was for so many years. This part of my fitness journey has been one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. I see and feel the changes I have done in such a short time and now know what I am capable of doing! ” 

- Casey Z

online nutrition coach, weight loss success

"I No Longer Worry About Food Or Calories!"

Hi Shelby! I’ve been wanting to email you and give you an update on how I’m doing and to tell you how much you helped me!! I truly feel like everything has changed for me! I’ve been working out at least 4 times a week and I actually want to work out (most of the time ha!). I no longer worry about food or calories and love how much freedom I have now! I joined a weight loss challenge in my neighborhood and everyone is doing WW, Keto, fasting, low carb etc and I’m over here not counting a thing and still losing weight 🙂 HAHa! I’ve lost 10.2 since starting with you and am hoping for more eventually! I realized that I didn’t need to eat breakfast just bc I took meds in the morning. I take them on an empty stomach and eat when I’m hungry! It really is life changing what you taught me. It’s so true that when you live an active lifestyle and keep balance you really don’t have to pay much attention to calories, fat etc. I listen to my body and on accident it seems that intermittent fasting has been what works for me. I basically eat my last meal around 5 or 6 and don’t eat again till 10:00ish. And when I’m around sweets I tell myself that I can have these at any time. When I’m staring in the pantry I catch myself asking am I hungry? thirsty? bored? It’s really awesome 🙂 Our calls were so helpful to me and everyone working with you is so lucky! Thank you for everything! ” 

- Rachael B

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Shelby !

I just wanted to take the time out to say thank you again. Coming into this I was expecting, but not knowing what I would get. Shelby has changed my whole outlook on nutrition and just life period. Dealing/Coping with depression and anxiety, you took the time out to help me understand what I was feeling and why. I don’t know any other company that does that. Not only did you help me understand the WHY, but we found the HOW to find the positive out of everything, and how to find different ways to deal with my situations. AHHH!!!:) The many of times I tried to hold back my tears when you called to check up on my progression. You became that Confidant, the one who listened and never judged. Still past the tears and bad days, you helped me find a better way. You motivated me to stay positive. I always looked forward to our meetings and your happy voice on the other end saying “HEY! IT’S SHELBY MCDANIEL!”:D Those moments always brought a smile to my face…and if ever feeling down… I felt better in those moments. You know a lot of us start these fitness journeys because we believe that the change in our aesthetics will make us feel better… Nah… It starts with inner. Shelby…You have helped realize that. You know how much stress I was putting on myself to fit into a box I didn’t belong in. Doing everything but me…and I’m not ashamed… because you helped me find pieces of me on this journey. You made me realize how special I am as an individual, and that immediately got the ball rolling. You are such a big inspiration as a person, a coach, and a business woman. You go above and beyond to help others! And that is BEYOND beautiful! Shelby is definitely the Power Company, because of the Love and REAL you guys offer!!. None of these words could even begin to describe how thankful I am for this experience. Thank you so much Shelby for helping me along my journey. ..Becoming the greater version of myself! YOU’RE FREAKING BOWL OF AWESOMESAUCE! 😀” 

- JD

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"An Evolution to My Eating"

This has been an evolution with my eating. I was in a rut and had gained too much weight. Thanks to Shelby, I lost nearly 20 lbs. and more importantly have kept it off! It has changed my life for the better and I feel I have the tools and positive attitude to stay on track from now on. Thank you!!” 

- Kim

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"It is My New Lifestyle!"

I joined Shelby in May 2012. I have lost 9.5% body fat and 20 pounds! I have gone down two pant sizes and feel great! My energy and endurance during my cardio workouts and weight training have greatly increased; I can now jog 3 miles at a time and feel great afterwards! Did I mention that I am a 54 year old newly diabetic, post-menopausal woman too? I have never been able to lose with any other weight loss program, including Weight Watchers. Shelby is different since the program not only told me what to eat, but WHEN to eat it and WHY I should do it this way. This has helped me tremendously and is no longer a “diet” to me, it is my new lifestyle! At my last checkup, my blood sugar is coming down and my cholesterol numbers were great! My goal in joining this program was to become healthier and reverse the Type 2 diabetes that was newly diagnosed. I am well on my way to my goal AND I look and feel much better! If it can work for me, it can work for you!” 

- Debra S

weight loss success

"EVERYTHING Has Changed!"

I REALLY appreciate everything you’ve done for me! All the info and things you’ve taught me – they’ll last a lifetime! My thoughts and habits regarding nutrition, my love for the gym and lifting weights, EVERYTHING has changed since working with you. I am so grateful 🙂
Thank you so much Shelby!!” 

- Leigh

weight loss success

"I’m Not Dieting Anymore"

I can already feel how much more time and mental bandwidth I have, now that I am not dieting. I do not feel anxiety toward all of my favorite foods in my house! I bought cake, because I really wanted it, and then I ate until I was satisfied. I put the rest in the fridge. I have never been able to stop eating a piece of cake, unless it was to force myself to throw it away. I stopped eating it because I was done—again, this is new. I also no longer go to the store everyday with my evening cravings because I always have options I love at home. This is just so different!” 

- Crystal M

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"Shelby became a true friend..."

Shelby made this process as easy as possible. She really invested herself in learning my lifestyle, schedule, and everyday pressures. I have lost 20 pounds, I could not have done this without my coach and friend, because Shelby truly did become a friend through this process and really showed how much she cared about my success, not only for my wedding, but throughout the rest of my life. The tools she taught me have helped me maintain my loss, and I have found a new balance which allows me to enjoy my life without the constant stress that I’ll fall off the bandwagon. I am forever grateful to Shelby and this program!” 

- Kristin B

weight loss success

"Shelby is a phenomenal coach..."

I absolutely love working with Shelby – she is a phenomenal coach: extremely knowledgeable, not just when it comes to nutrition and exercising, but also when it comes to the “human factor.” She has such a wonderful, positive approach and I’ve learned a whole new way to look at eating, nutrition and exercising, and how all these aspects of a healthy lifestyle are interlinked, what works and what doesn’t work for me personally and I am so excited about having the ability to be completely in control of where I go from here.
Thank you Shelby!” 

- Ingrid D

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"Drastically improved my relationship with food"

It is always a privilege to work with Shelby. The mindful eating practices she taught me have drastically improved my relationship with food and my relationship with my body.” 

- Dorin

Throwback Athletes

weight loss success

IFBB Pro Nic Dennard

I don’t know where to start. I decided I wanted to compete in the NPC after years of weight training. Thankfully, I found Shelby. With her guidance, I’ve been very successful and earned my IFBB Pro status in the summer of 2014. Since I’ve been with her, I’ve seen other competitors go from being out of the top 5 without her, to winning their class after starting with Shelby. HIGHLY recommend!” 

- Nic Dennard

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IFBB Pro, Tracy Smith Clark

I literally trust Shelby with my life! I literally trust Shelby McDaniel with my life! I have been a client of Shelby since 2015. She has always placed my health ahead of the competition and in spite of my condition Shelby has been able to transform not only beyond a National level competitor (which we did not think was possible back in 2015) but all the way to the Pro level. I also maintain my working relationship with Shelby in my off season to reset my mental health and body…”

- Tracy Smith Clark

weight loss success

IFBB Pro, Dwayne Punter

Dwayne Punter joined Shelby in July 2014 and achieved his IFBB Pro card in July 2015 at the Master’s National Championships in Pittsburgh, PA. “Shelby-Thank you for a successful season! Dreams do come true! ” 

- Dwayne Punter

weight loss success

Elisabeth's 100lb Weight Loss

Do we need say more? Elisabeth came joined Shelby with the mindset of a champion. She lost over 100lbs!!!!! Not only did she learn sustainable healthy eating habits, she went the distance and pushed herself to compete in her first women’s bodybuilding show! We couldn’t be more proud of Elisabeth!!” 

- Elisabeth

weight loss success

Professional Ballroom Dancer Comeback

Up until the age of 35 I never worried about my weight. I am a ballroom dancer, so I was constantly moving and training, if I needed to lose a few pounds – well I cut out the “good stuff” – the candy bars and sodas – the weight came off and I was back down to a size 0/2 and weighed 115 pounds at 5’6″. I was a smoker and that was another thing we did – have a cigarette instead of eat.

Then things changed at 35 – I got married and my priorities changed. I wanted to have children, unfortunately I went through a couple of miscarriages. At 39 I was pregnant once more, I quit smoking and dancing the day I found out and in my first trimester gained 30 pounds. I sat at home and worked behind the desk by my third trimester was at 180 pounds. Then developed gestational diabetes – by the time I gave birth to my daughter a month before my 40th birthday – I was at 210 pounds. With birth 20 pounds came off and then nothing. When my daughter was 9 months old I discovered Zumba and was ecstatic (I do not enjoy working out – it always felt like a chore) – with Zumba I got to dance and it did not feel like a workout. I came down to 145 pounds – and found out I was pregnant with my son. I did so well with him – I had gained only 17 pounds at 7 months – I was all baby – then they discovered I had hypertension and got put on bed rest – by the time I gave birth I was back up to 195 pounds.

Here I am 45 years old, with hypertension (it has remained with me since my last pregnancy) I was teaching 12-14 Zumba classes a week, on top of ballroom classes, so in constant motion, and stuck at 160 pounds. I made an appointment with a nutritionist – she looked at my activity level and my caloric intake and could not understand why I was not losing weight. Mind you – I had coffee for breakfast – taught endless amounts of classes – stuffed a banana in my mouth if I was lucky – and then ate whatever I could find in the refrigerator at 10pm at night. Trainers told me I need to vary up my workout – add weight bearing workouts – not that I disagree – BUT – I have two small children, I sleep 5 hours a night, I need my energy to teach the classes that pay my bills – there was not enough time in my day to ADD another activity. I felt hopeless. That is when Shelby comes in. One of my friends – started telling me about this lady she found online. My friend was a trainer – always wanted to have the physique of a body builder – but could never find the right balance of working out and nutrition. I said “Let me see what she does for you and then I will try” – well – I watched Jen’s body transform into a muscle clad beauty. Still I was skeptical – I am a Latin ballroom dancer – I want beautiful and sexy and curvy lean. Jen convinced me to try it – she said – Shelby will tailor your nutrition to you….

I worked with Shelby for a under a year. It was amazing – I finally felt like someone was LISTENING – she took into consideration – my lifestyle, lack of time, that I was an athlete, me being a mother over 40 with two small kids, the fact that I LOVED chocolate. She taught me how to eat, how not to feel guilty, to enjoy the foods that I love, how not to say “NO” but to say “YES” – and to listen to your body when it says – “I’m good – we don’t need anymore”. She taught me to eat all the time – YES I am constantly eating. My students are always laughing because I am constantly snacking between classes. Now I do have one negative – I have to carry an extra bag with me every day to work – it has all my food for the day!

Today, a year later, I am about to turn 48 and feel amazing. I weigh about 135 pounds and am a size 4/6. I maintain this weight without much mental effort. You have really given me all the tools I need to stay healthy and feel great (and look it too – for an almost 50 year old). I don’t feel guilty when I enjoy food because I know that the 95% of the time the foods that I gravitate towards, the food that I enjoy and I feel great after I am done eating is food that is great for my body. I feel great, and much healthier than I have ever been. Thank you, Shelby, for listening!” 

- Aggie B

weight loss success

Aissata: Fitness Inspiration

What can we say about Aissata Cisse? She is super mom! She made the decision to change her lifestyle and never looked back. Aissata has truly has made a complete body transformation. Aissata is a proud mom of two. What started as a journey to change her lifestyle has turned into a love to compete in figure competitions. The true win for Aissata is the new lifestyle and healthy mindset she will embrace forever!” 

- Aissata Cisse

weight loss success

Bradley: Endurance Athlete

Bradley S is a competitive, avid cyclist. A diligent food tracker prior to TNT Nutrition, Bradley came to Shelby to get help fine tuning the details to help him lose more weight and in 8 weeks Bradley lost 17lbs! Coaching calls, food log review, Q&A, and goal setting is what helped Bradley reach his fitness goals.” 

- Bradley S

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Matt Roh

Shelby was extremely helpful and supportive. She has the latest methods and truly does care about the health of her clients. She makes sure you are as nourished as possible and will guide you to success. Come to her with an open mind, as her techniques may be different than what you are used to. Shelby is also a person with great integrity and honesty. She knows her stuff.” 

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Max Roth

Max Roth meant serious business when he came to Shelby. A once 250 lb bodybuilder, Max decided to he wanted to feel better, lose weight, and improve his health. He lost 56lbs on his own, and the final 20lbs in 8 weeks with Shelby! He needed assistance taking out the guess work when it came to organizing his vegan diet. He claimed he wanted to keep things as simple as possible. His preferred foods were taken into account and a personalize plan was developed for him and the rest is history! 

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Michelle Koleas

Shelby is an endurance athlete’s partner in performance; training doesn’t work without proper nutrition. Shelby is a pro in keeping my body fueled during grueling training sessions and carb loading before a race. A well fueled muscle is a high performing muscle. She understands that I have enough on my plate with family, work, and training so I don’t have much time to research or guess my nutrition plan. She has it all laid out for me, all I have to do is follow it and focus on my marathons & triathlons. I cannot speak high enough of Shelby and recommend her to all my fellow teammates and other runners & triathletes. If your goal is to cross the finish line, qualify for Boston, compete in a half Ironman, or just PR on your next race; make sure you include Shelby in your training. I have noticed a difference in my body’s performance during training, race, & recovery.” 

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Amanda Adams

Excellent experience with Shelby. I have nothing but positive experiences & would work with her again!” 

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Joseph M

Wow! You are amazing Shelby, Can I screen shot the instructions to fix and post as a shoutout, Like I want people to understand how amazing and how far you go for the clients.” 

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Larry Sabourin

Shelby (aka Boss!!!) you are truly the best that has happened to me in my fitness journey. I feel like you really listen and are in tune with what does/doesn’t work for me. You’ve been an awesome inspiration and true role model. I appreciate your honesty and how you live and stay true to your values. You’re extremely patient, I know I can drive you crazy with random texts or emails. With that said, I always felt like I was your only client (even though we all know I’m not lol). You’ve indirectly taught me how to look at myself differently and really challenged me both mentally and physically this year. I can honestly say that there has not been one instance where I questioned you! I listened to every word, wrote down instructions and followed everything. I feel very fortunate that after my begging, you allowed me to work with you! I’m not going anywhere until you kick me out. Haha. Don’t kick me out! Once again, thank you for everything…

If you’re looking for someone who truly cares about you and the goals you set before you, explore working with Shelby folks. They take a wholistic approach to weight loss and fitness. Whether you’re a competitor in various sports/activities, or looking for general weight loss contact Shelby McDaniel.” 

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"Eric Eldridge - Ultra Endurance Athlete"

I had my 100K race this last weekend. It was the Twisted Branch 100K in the Finger Lakes area of NY. It was a tough day, lots of climbing (10.6K), but the tough part was the heat and dew point. Over 50% dropped through out the day leaving 42 of us to finish. There was an 18 hour cutoff and I finished “comfortable” in 17:30 🙂 I am very happy with how my training throughout this year went, as well as the race. And I am also very happy with how my nutrition went. On race day I had zero issues with my nutrition. I would have to say that it was definitely dialed in. I owe you many thanks for getting me to this point!!! You rock! Thanks again for all of your help 🙂 I am looking forward to the next goal and you as part of that village to help me get there.” 

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Tammy P

I couldn’t have been happier with the experience. I have worked with personal trainers before and was very hesitant. I realize that I am just as accountable for the results but expect a coach to dial into those areas we don’t see. Shelby did just that I was overwhelmed by the results!!! For me this was an investment worth every penny. I exceeded my initial goal and learned so much about continuing a healthful life style!!”

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Natalie Bun

Natalie Bun is a model and IFPA Pro Bikini competitor. In 2015 she made her debut on the Natural Olympia stage in Las Vegas where she place an astounding 6th place out of 35 competitors from across the world! Natalie is widely followed not only because of her accomplishments but also due to her positive personality and encouragement towards others surrounding health and wellness. 

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PNBA Pro Masters Bodybuilder Champion

Clinton Beach is an astounding athlete! He puts his body to the test every year, competing in a minimum of 3 shows. In 2016 he won 1st place and obtained then title of PNBA Pro Masters Bodybuilder Champion. In October 2016 he went on to compete in the Natural Olympia in Las Vegas, Nevada where he placed 10th out of the best natural bodybuilders in the world! Clinton is known for his incredible conditioning and entertaining bodybuilding routines. Clinton is also exploring Men’s Pro Physique category as well in 2017, nothing can stop this guy! 

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Chris Fitzner - MMA Athlete

Working with Shelby was awesome! She fulfilled her role wonderfully as my coach, she listened to my goals and really gave me a solid plan to reach them. I would recommend Shelby!” 

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John Hooks - Competitor, USMC

Shelby McDaniel…WOW!!! What can I say! It has been a pleasure and an honor to work with her. I have been competitively competing in bodybuilding for 3 years now. My first year I worked with someone else and I did really well, however I wanted someone that I could talk to and someone that could devote the time and attention that I needed in order to attain the goals that I had set for myself. So, I switched to working with Shelby for the next two years and I couldn’t have been more pleased. I went from 192lbs my first year to 196lbs the second year and 205lbs my third year. I gained the size and muscle maturity that I was looking for and I look forward to gaining even more. Shelby is not only an awesome trainer and nutritionist but she is a great friend. I am so devoted to her that I promised her that I will stick with her in my amateur status and my pro status when I reach that goal!” 

Mike Pope photo

Mike Pop - MMA Athlete

“My experience with Shelby has been amazing, I’ve seen dramatic results not only in the cage and on the mat, but in my everyday life. I fought six MMA cage fights, and countless different jujitsu tournaments before being on Shelby’s plan, all of which involved cutting at least ten pounds each time, and honestly I do not know how I did it without her. While I was always able to perform “well”, I always found myself gasping for air in between rounds, a telltale sign of a bad weight cut. For my last MMA fight, I worked closely with Shelby and the results were UNBELIEVABLE, I went the distance and never once felt the effects of the ten pound weight cut, and even more amazingly, I felt faster and stronger than ever. Most recently, Shelby helped me cut down from 170, to 161 for a same day weigh-in at the IBJJF World Jujitsu Competition, not only did I arrive at weight with room to spare, but I felt and performed better than I ever could imagine. I was able to tear through my division and place 4th out of over 120 competitors – a feat that wouldn’t of been possible on my old “weight cutting program” – Shelby’s knowledge and expertise is now a permanent addition to my fight preparation.” 

More Success Stories

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120 Pound Weight Loss

My weight has been a struggle for me since the age of 18 years old. My troubles began when I started going to food for comfort because it “helped me feel better” or so I thought at the time. In actuality, in that moment it did help me feel better but soon after I felt disgusted and ashamed for binging on food that I knew was not healthy for me and inevitably was making me even more unhappy. I was not exercising AT ALL and was just miserable inside.I stayed overweight for about 8 years and just progressively got worse and worse, bigger and unhealthier. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 26 and I had reached my highest weight of 295 and in a size 22. On a 5’7 frame, It didn’t look good and I surely felt that way as well. I decided enough was enough and started making small changes in my life day by day. I started walking and exercising at home because I was still too self conscious to go to the gym and have an efficient workout since I was just too concerned with how people would look at me and judge me. But, I was making the change within myself and it felt great. Over the course of the next few years I lost a total of 85 pounds. During that time, I met a wonderful man who I would eventually marry and that gave me even more motivation to keep going. I started to hit a plateau soon after and I didn’t understand why. I was working out 6 times a week and not eating a lot and the weight wasn’t budging anymore. That’s when I decided to contact Shelby. Weekly, she and I would have a 15-minute coaching call, and my nutritional intake was always tweaked when needed to ensure I was achieving the best results. To lose more weight, I had to eat more. I was eating 6 meals a day every 2-4 hours and still consuming normal food like everybody else. It wasn’t a diet, it wasn’t a fad and I was not depriving myself of anything. I was watching my portions,measuring my food and packing my meals every day. I have been working with Shelby for over a year now, I have lost an additional 35 more pounds and have sculpted this lean, fit body that I’m living in now. I learned through Shelby that I don’t have to live in the gym and if anything, that I was previously working out too much and not giving my body time to rest. I also learned that I was not eating nearly enough. Before, I was eating three times a day so my metabolism had stalled. I was eating out at lunch everyday, skipping breakfast and consuming way too many carbs and not enough protein. I now have learned everything that I need to continue this healthy lifestyle I am fully aware that eating this often daily is actually not making me gain weight but helping me lose it because my metabolism is in high gear finally. This was what I needed to continue my success and to keep going. At 170 pounds and a size 8-10 I have never felt better about myself. The confidence I have now is such an amazing feeling. I thank Shelby for everything that she has taught me during my journey….the knowledge I’ve gained has no price tag. I’m finally happy, healthy and living life to my fullest potential!

- Mimi

weight loss success

41lbs in 12 Weeks

Your guidance changed my life and i’m forever thankful for that.” Yasmeen was ready to change her lifestyle and man did she ever!! Her results speak for themselves! 41 pounds gone, did I say it was in just 12 weeks? She fully dedicated herself to…well…herself! So proud, congrats Yasmeen!

- Yasmeen

weight loss success

"A New Me."

I’d been the extremely fit high school and college athlete; at my fittest, I was 14 percent body fat. I took my fitness for granted. I ate what I wanted and although I took a college class Online Weight Loss Program on nutrition, nothing sunk in. Over the years I fought the slow mid-life creep. I convinced myself that my size 10P was a function of being a female with hips, and that as long as my stomach remained fairly flat I wasn’t someone with a weight or health problem. Even when I started with Shelby, my line to her was, “Even at my fittest, I was never less than an 8P.” In early 2014, my friend Barb started with Shelby–right about the same time that I was ending my marriage. I didn’t think much at first about Barb’s decision to work with Shelby…and the months ticked by while I fought to understand what I had neglected in myself. One day, Barb showed up to work in clothes that showed her progress and I was floored. In talking to her, I realized that her journey with food paralleled my own quest for deeper personal understanding and power. When I finally signed on with Shelby in July 2014, my goal was to learn how to eat better so I could manage my thyroid condition, lose a little weight, and drop my creeping cholesterol numbers. Little did I know.

From July 2014 to February 2015, I went from 142 pounds (at 5 feet 2 inches, that’s overweight) to 127 pounds. I dropped my body fat from about 25 percent to 19 percent. I went from a 10P to a 6P/4R, and I’m not sure that’s finished quite yet. I used Shelby’s (macro nutrient) guidance, rethought my fruit and vegetable intake, and started to add weight lifting to my previously cardio-heavy exercise routine. The combination of eating well, making mindful choices, and regular exercise opened up an unexpected body-mind emotional gap. I had no idea.

The process of losing weight and gaining muscle was for me a journey of mourning and transformation. It was the first time in my life I took a journey for myself to understand, validate, approve of and appreciate my strengths, my emotions and feelings. I had no idea that getting into mindful touch with my body’s needs, feeding and treating it properly, and paying attention to the messages it was sending could be so powerful. When my body realized that I was allowing and working with my feelings, it really opened up. Wow did that hurt! It was physically painful to accept these feelings–both positive and negative. During the process of accepting these feelings, however, I was able to work through the micro-issues…and macro-issues…that had built up over the years to numb my soul from tapping into the messages my body was trying to send about The Condition of Sarah. I am absolutely convinced that for me, it was focusing on caring for my body that was key to the unlocking of my potential.

The Shelby’s program, encouragement, and coaching was critical to me coming out on the other side of this journey so strong, so mindful, so centered, so healthy, and SO solid in knowing and feeling I’ve achieved a whole new level of being in the world. I now realize that my body is the bridge between my inner world and the outer world. I communicate my inner sense of self and worth to the world with the way I treat my body, the way I hold myself, and the actions and decisions I make in favor of it. No one else will care for me or my body better than I will, and I’m committed to treating myself with respect and honor, thanks to the lessons learned through Shelby. Thank you Shelby!

- Sara K

weight loss success

"A New Me!"

I know the pictures couldn’t be more different – the before pic of me at the beach and the after of me going to a formal event this weekend. I don’t even have a spanks or girdle or anything on under that dress – what????? Anyways I think the pictures actually do a good job of also depicting how I feel. Before, tired and sluggish. Now, energized and excited to take on life’s challenges. I am so happy with the results of your program. I started the program after my 3rd child. I weighed 162 with just an initial goal of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 150. Working through the program I blew past that goal and after 6 months ended up at 130 lbs and a size 4! I had no idea that I had that in me! I have learned how to choose foods that sustain me and give me lots of healthy energy to get through the long days (with 3 kids). The program is totally doable and will change your life! People ask me all the time how did I do it And I say eating the right things and more of it! All of which I owe to Shelby! Thank you for all of your support, the program really works. I am only 3 lbs away from my marriage weight. I never dreamed I would EVER get back to that. I just told my husband that I’m almost the weight I was when we got married and he said I like the new you! 🙂 ” 

- Kadie B

weight loss success

55 years Young and Taking Charge [ Video]

Joanie was an AVID “juicer”. Rarely did she eat whole foods. She juiced her fruits and vegetables constantly, and even thought she added protein to these smoothies, she couldn’t lose the weight. She was an avid fitness enthusiast before coming to Shelby. After months of coaching and incorporating whole foods and education to help her continue these habits, Joanie is making tremendous progress! Not only is she losing fat, her joints feel better, and her sleep has incredibly improved. All she had to do was eat more and eat more whole food. She truly has taken charge of her life, setting boundaries, making her health a priority. She even started her own garden and is ALWAYS inspiring others about all that she has learned, so much so that I call her “preacher Joanie”. Love you Joanie, so proud of you my friend!

- Joanie

weight loss success

"New Lifestyle"

I think I’m a pretty normal person- a busy job, kids, household chores, and there’s always the commute. A year after having a baby I was still a size 16. My personal trainer Brock, suggested giving Shelby a try noting that 80 percent of weight loss is diet. After another six months and a conversation with Shelby, I decided to give it a try. I was not optimistic. I’ve been eating food for more than 40 years- I’ve know how to eat right. Right?

The first week was the game changer for me. Shelby asked me to log what I ate for a few days. I thought I knew how to eat -balanced diet, carbs, proteins. Turns out I was watching what I ate- literally. I noticed a lot of mindless eating. Skipped or missed meals that left me starving and caused me to overeat in the evenings and eroded my weight loss efforts at the gym. I was eating about 2800-3000 calories a day and mostly at night.

After only 12 weeks I’ve lost 26.2 pounds and am now a size 8. I’m so grateful for the support of my family, Shelby, and TNT Fitness.

- Barbara

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"A1c 11.1 to 7.9!"

Hi Shelby!

I want to continue to thank you for the information and support you gave me.
When I came to you last October, my doctor gave me a report that my A1C was 11.1. Through your food and meal preparations, my A1C dropped to 8.8 in January.
I went to the doctor this past Wednesday. After the examination, he crossed his leg and asked me how did I reduce my A1C so quickly and so low. I told him about the change in diet, the elimination of carbs and fried foods and daily exercise. He said that he has not seen anyone reduce their A1C like I had done.
My doctor just called me, which was odd and said that he wanted me to know that my A1C is now 7.9!!!
I might not consult with you now, but your information is still long lasting! By my next appointment, it will be lower!

- Tony

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"76 Years Young and Rockin’ It"

My experience with Shelby was wonderful! I am still using the same game plan you started me on a few months ago, it gave me a lot of flexibility and taught me how to plan my day.. To date, I am down from 166 to 152 — a great accomplishment for me. I look great in my size 10’s and 12’s and am happy about that. I even enjoy a glass of wine occasionally and a dessert. However, I am very conscious about portion size, have learned to forego the bread in restaurants (and deserts). For the most part, I stick with the our Myplate plan — and when I do waver a bit, I get right back on track. I have to say that I am eating regular food — no “diet” foods, i.e. non-fat, etc. I eat regular food because i don’t want my brain to think I am on a diet. People have made comments on how good I look and ask if I am on a diet. My answer is ‘No”, I am just careful about what I choose to eat. Heck, once in a blue moon, I even make popcorn — with butter for us to snack on. I am not denying myself any of the food I enjoy — and that includes pasta and rice. They are my carbs for the day — and I plan ahead when I want to enjoy them. So, basically, the plan you put me on as helped me to eat the foods I enjoy without overeating. Thanks.!! I will forge ahead and try to get to that 150 marker on the scale — and when I do, you will hear about it. Thanks for the support.” 

- Mary

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Hi Shelby, I’ve been thinking about you these past few months and every time I wanted to update you I figured I would wait until I had a special occassion. This past weekend I got on the scale and for the first time in at least 7 years the scale showed below 150. That alone would have been a reason to celebrate. Not only am I below 150, I also hit the 40 lbs weight loss mark, thanks to you and your awesome coaching. But wait, there is more. I ran my first ever half marathon on Sunday and didn’t die 🙂 I had fun, loads of it. I started running in June, moreso to try it out and now I am eying my first marathon 😉 This would not have been possible without you!!
The only thing left is to try on my wedding gown from (gulp) 10 years ago to see if it will zip. Pictures of that to come when it does 🙂
I hope all is well with you and once you release the “Shelby on a mantel”, I will order one in a heartbeat 😉
Thanks again for what you do!!

- Peggy M

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"Shelly W"

Shelby was very motivating and had answers to my questions, offered suggestions ~ she is awesome! I didn’t just lose 30 pounds, I changed many food choices and eating habits. I still eat pizza and hamburgers, but in moderation or modified . . . and it works!” 

- Shelly W

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"Abbie J"

OMG. This was fab. Exactly what I was looking for. A great combination of mechanics (what to eat when) and awareness (how to approach food & eating). My coach gave me the keys to unlock the mystery of what I’ve been doing wrong. I achieved my goal and am pretty confident I can maintain my success. Also, and VERY important to my success is that my coach created a great daily nutrition plan. I stick to it because I really enjoy the food. My lunchtime salad is easy to prepare and total yum. And I get peanut butter for desert. What a treat. I am so glad I took the step to get personalized help!!” 

- Abbie

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"Mariane C"

I first joined Shelby with the intent of competing as a bikini contestant. However, the program did not only help me reach my desire to compete but also taught me how to improve my health! Shelby really cares about her clients’ health! The knowledge and encouragement I received from this program is something that I will be able to take with me for the rest of my life! Eating better increased my energy, allowing me to excel as a student while working, going to the gym and spending time with family and friends! Thank you for the exceptional experience! ” 

- Mariane

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"Thank you, Thank you"

I just wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you so much for all you have done for me during my weight loss journey. I am so excited about the weight I have lost. I tried on clothing that I haven’t worn in over a year only to find not only does it fit, but it is also a little loose. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are such an amazing coach, helping me to work through all the set backs and keeping me on task.” 

- Mary H

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"Forever Grateful!"

My journey with Shelby started with my TNT Fitness program (a partner of Shelby’s), which I joined in order to get in shape for my wedding. I had been working with the program for about a week before I realized that in order to make the most of my fitness routine, I needed to get my diet in order. I went into the process with a short-term goal of looking good for my wedding, but I was dead set on making this a permanent and long-term change. Shelby is probably the most positive and genuine person I have ever spoken to, which is so important when trusting someone to help you make a lifestyle change. I’ve had my ups and downs weight-wise over the years, but I was currently at my highest as I started to prepare for the most important day of my life to date. The thought intimidated me, but Shelby made this process as easy as possible. She really invested herself in learning my lifestyle, schedule, and everyday pressures. There was no drastic change or impossible guidelines during my first phase of the program, which was so important in helping me stick to it. She helped me craft manageable goals to accomplish each week and helped me stay positive during times I felt discouraged. She also led me to the sources of some of my habits and gave me practical tools and tricks to overcome them. When I found my dream dress, I was determined to order it two sizes smaller than the bridal shop recommended (much to their dismay). I looked forward to my fittings when I could update Shelby on my progress and to my delight, I lost 20 pounds and the dress fit perfectly on my wedding day. I could not have done this without my coach and friend, because Shelby truly did become a friend through this process and really showed how much she cared about my success, not only for the wedding, but throughout the rest of my life. The tools she taught me have helped me maintain my loss, and I have found a new balance which allows me to enjoy my life without the constant stress that I’ll fall off the bandwagon. I am forever grateful to Shelby and this program!” 

- Kristen B

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Lisa B

Best coach I could’ve asked for…” 

- Lisa B

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"Thank You So Much For a Great Program!"

Thank you so much for a great program! After close to 8 months in the program one way or other, I feel confident that I can continue my new and improved habits on my own. After having three children in four years, I had added more stubborn pounds than I was willing to admit. I was finally so upset over my continued lack of success with my attempt at losing weight through portion control and regular exercise, and started out with the Healthy Eating Habits program. For me, the program has been a big success – I have lost close to 25lbs all in all, and have remained at my goal weight for a few months now, even through periods of stress and big family events. My weight loss coach Shelby opened my eyes in many ways – I never have been a great indulger of clearly bad food choices such as donuts and shakes and fried foods, but I clearly had portion issues I wasn’t aware of, and I also snacked on the wrong foods at the wrong times. Today, I feel absolutely great and confident I can keep this up – and it is all thanks to Shelby’s nutrition program!” 

- Jannike J

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"Shelby, thanks SO MUCH…."

Shelby, thanks SO MUCH….honestly, from the bottom of my heart this is what I NEEDED and the fact that you have been willing to work with me has meant the world! Thank you just doesn’t seem enough to convey my gratitude, but I want you to know what this has meant to me! I have begun to feel like a whole person. I feel like there was such a chunk of me missing in my obesity (funny, right?). I am on the road to being who I’ve always known I COULD be and desire to be, I just had some puzzle pieces that weren’t in place and now they are. My nutrition was that most key and final piece! I am so anxious to get those pices finely tuned and adjusted to make the beautiful picture I’ve always known my life could be, not the life of I can’t because I’m overweight. And for that I have you to thank! You guys are an AMAZING team!” 

- Catherine S

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"Wedding Dress Success!"

I had the idea of wanting to have a picture in my wedding dress for our 25th anniversary but I was not feeling my best and the size 2 dress really did not fit. Thanks to your program I was able to lose 11 lbs and wear my dress for our 29th instead. My husband loved the picture and I was proud of the achievement. Thank you for everything!” 

- Paula J

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"My entire life I have always struggled with my weight"

My entire life I have always struggled with my weight and was always a plus sized girl. At the height of my weight I was a size 18 and weighed just over 200 pounds. I was never an active person, I was always lazy. I watched a lot of TV and sat at the computer surfing the web for hours, along with eating a ton of sweets. When I was 15 I started dancing, I did tap, ballet, and jazz seven days a week until the day my dance studio closed down in 2004. I had lost some of my weight, but not a lot and once the studio closed down I went back to my old ways and became lazy again.

As I got older and reached my twenties I started partying all the time, I drank a lot of alcohol and ate a lot of bad food after hours (between 2 and 3am). During all of this I started working at Regency Sport and Health at the front desk and I met Joseph who was the TNT Fitness trainer at that location. I had spoke to him about how I wanted to lose weight and a group training program may be right for me. After my first class I fell in love with the program.

When I first started, I was still eating pretty terrible ( a lot of fast food was involved). Joseph told me about Shelby and I decided to give it a try. It was hard at first because I was not used to eating in a structured way and I was not used to eating healthy. I struggled, but I kept pushing and telling myself that it would all be worth it in the end. I stuck with the program and I saw the pounds and inches fall off. I eventually left the TNT Fitness program because I had switched jobs and moved, but I kept eating healthy using the principles I learned with Shelby. Now I am down to a size 4 and currently at 138 pounds. It has been two years since I first lost my weight and I have done everything to keep it off because I do not want to go back to the way I was before. I feel ten times better and I am more confident, I have tried eating something I used to eat (like cake or something from a fast food restaurant) but I feel so bad afterward that I know I will never eat that way ever again.

Changes take time, it’s ok! Don’t let your fears get in the way between you and your goals! Learn more about how we can help..” 

- Crystal

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THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WORK WITH CHRISTINE!!!! As you have probably deduced, she is thrilled with the results! Before she came to you she really was at an impasse and I think she saw her desire to lose weight almost as an impossibility. You changed that and gave her the hope, encouragement and motivation to do what she has done. She continues to stick with the plan, move forward and, as a result, her self-esteem and self-confidence continues to blossom . The impact of your work with her has truly been life-changing and I thank you for thank you for everything. If you ever are in need of clients, let me know for I already have a few to send your way. With warm regards, Kathy.” 

- Christine W

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"Shelby is great"

Shelby is great. She helped me conquer 30+ years of poor nutrition habits (my whole life up until that point). She got me to understand that eating less makes you smaller; I had to eat differently to improve my body’s composition. She was a major contributor to my gaining about 10 pounds of muscle and losing 95 pounds of fat in about 14 months. Her competitive background proves she knows what she is doing. Her education allows her to explain it to others in a meaningful fashion. Shelby loves what she does. Her name is her brand and she takes that VERY seriously. ” 

- Mike Cogan

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"I never focused on my weight"

Growing up, I was a healthy happy person. I never focused on my weight. I was a size 6 and was active in sports (basketball and rowing) and things were good. Life took a dramatic turn for me 15 years ago. While leaving work one night, I was attacked by a stranger, raped and left for dead in a parking garage. The next eight months was spent in hospitals (2 months to recover from my physical injuries and six months in a psychiatirc hospital to start the recovery on my non-physical injuries). While I made great progress in both areas (physical and mental), I found myself turning to food when I didn’t want to have to deal with the overwhelming feelings I was experiencing. Since then, my journey has been a long and winding road. The weight slowly started piling on. It is crazy that you can wake up one day and look at yourself in the mirror and suddenly you see a size 18 frame looking back at you. There is one part of you that is OK with it because your self worth is so low, but there is another part of you that wants to regain control back of your life. For so many years, I have lived on the rollercoaster. Yo-yo diets, crazy work out regimes. They all worked for the short term. But as we all know, it is the long term solution that provides the real results.

In November 2011, I decided that I was done with allowing this traumatic moment in my life to define me any longer. I was determined it was time to shake that monkey, put my head down and turn this thing around – once and for all. TNT has afforded me the opportunity to do just that. Between the fitness program and the nutrition program, I am slowly regaining control of my life. There have been ups and downs along the way. Days (even a week or two) where I totally fell off the wagon, but with the support of my TNT coaches (Kris and Shelby – the best in the business), I get back up and get back on track. I am very aware that there will be tough times ahead. For the first time in years, I feel like I am ready to conquer them. TNT has given me the confidence I needed to understand that when I fall down, it is going to be OK. My coaches will help get me back on the wagon.

So far in this journey I have lost over 15lbs and several inches off my waist. I am well aware that this is not a sprint. It is a marathon and I’m in it for the long haul. I’m confident that incorporating a new approach to food with Shelby’s program and a new approach to fitness with TNT Fitness will be the solution I need for long term success. Thank you TNT for getting me on track to get my life back. I owe you more than you could ever know.” 

- Anonymous

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"I Have Exceeded My Goal"

I enrolled in Nutrition Plan with Shelby with a goal of a 10 lb weight loss. I have exceeded that goal, but more importantly I am now equipped with nutrition tools that will last a lifetime! You won’t believe this but I have lost 11.5 lbs so far and I have never gone hungry and continued to eat the foods that I like best and even splurge once a week on a special meal including a cocktail or two. 🙂 What was I doing wrong before? Not eating enough, not eating the right combination of protein, fats and carbs and not eating frequently enough. The devil was in the details and only with Shelby’s help was I able to customize an eating plan that kept hunger at bay and allowed me consistent weight loss that I will be able to easily maintain. As we worked through the first week she adjusted my program 3 times to make sure I had enough energy for my heavier workout days and that I wasn’t hungry between meals. I could not have achieved my goal without the help of Shelby and this program. Think about it- at work you have a mentor, in the gym you have a personal trainer- doesn’t it make sense to have a personal coach to help you with your nutrition plan? This plan works and it isn’t just about how you look but about how you feel and the positive health impact it will have! It has been so much easier than I had anticipated that I am now working on an additional 8 lb weight loss. For the first time in my life I feel confident and excited about achieving it!” 

- Janice